Lady Godiva Memorial Bnad

Lady Godiva Memorial Bnad

The Lady Godiva Memorial Bnad [sic] , or LGMB, is a student-run organization comprising chiefly of University of Toronto engineering students. The LGMB is dedicated to the preservation and advancement of Skule spirit along with Ye Olde Mighty Skule Cannon and the Brute Force Committee (BFC). The LGMB is notable for its open membership policy and sometimes audacious appearances at events.

The Lady Godiva Memorial Bnad is primarily a spirit group and secondly a musical group. The bnad is often introduced, incorrectly, as the "Lady Godiva Marching Band", despite the fact that the bnad never marches. A more correct term would be "meandering band". The use of the term "bnad" is a reference to the inability (or unwillingness) of engineers to spell correctly (see Skule).

The LGMB participating in the 2007 Toronto Santa Claus parade.

Bnad members

The LGMB advertises that any student in the University of Toronto Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering is a member of the Bnad by default. However, a more practical definition of a bnad member is anyone who has attended a bnad event. No musical talent is required to play with the LGMB, which is perhaps the greatest contributing factor to the group's unique performance.

During an event, bnad members play an instrument of their choice including traditional instruments such as bass drum, snare drum, trumpet, trombone, baritone, sousaphone, flute, clarinet, saxophone, and cymbals, as well as non traditional instruments including electric guitar (with portable amplifier), electric keyboard, slide whistle, kazoo, washboard, bedpan, maraca, and fire bell.

Current and Recent Bnad Leedurs:
*Joonyur Bnad Leedur: Kevin Siu
*D(r)umb Majur(k): David Clease
*Bnad Leedur: Catie Darling
*X Bnad Leedur: Nick Loberto
*X D(r)umb Majur(k): Steven Szeto
*XX Bnad Leedur: Caitlin Bailey
*XX D(r)umb Majur(k): Nick Cifelli
*XX Cymbolic Major: Evangelos Staikos
*XXX Bnad Leedur: Jeffy Cornthwaite
*XXX D(r)umb Majur(k): Henry Cheung
*XXXX Bnad Leedur: Luke Wesley
*XXXX D(r)umb Majur(k): Adam Gravitis

Some notable members of the LGMB have been:
*Sidney Smith (c.1950)
*A.J. Paul La Prairie (c.1949–1950)
*Tim Allan (c.1968–1972)
*Bob Bossin (c.1966–1969)


The Lady Godiva Memorial Bnad was founded circa 1950, by A.J. Paul La Prairie while he was a student at the University of Toronto Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. Originally called The Lady Godiva Band, it was soon renamed to the Lady Godiva Memorial Band, a name suggested by the University of Toronto Engineering Society president Bill Walker. They have since become the Lady Godiva Memorial Bnad [sic] .

The original band had about fifteen members and was initially led by their founder A.J. Paul La Prairie. During their second rehearsal, however, it was discovered that La Prairie could not read music, so the band was turned over to Tom Kenney, a chemical engineering student.

The LGMB's first uniform consisted of a few red military jackets and pith helmets. The uniform along with their first bass drum, two tenor drums, cymbals and a drum major's baton were courtesy of La Prairie's resourcefulness and his military connections. Those who didn't wear military jackets were often seen in the traditional leather jacket of the engineering faculty. Later, members began to wear their decorated hardhats to events. The first public appearance of the LGMB was at the Annual Homecoming Parade on the back of a flatbed truck. []

An account of one of the first events given by A.J. Paul La Prairie:

We did have one parade that I do remember, with humour. There was a big football game at Varsity Stadium. The L.G.M.B. marched up and, to the amazement of the ticket collectors, we played our way right through the gate and on to the field. For this event we were all wearing great big moustaches. When we came to the fifty yard line I noticed Sidney Smith sitting in front. I offered him a moustache, which he put on. The band serenaded him. Ergo, Sidney Smith, President of The University of Toronto, became an Honorary Member of the L.G.M.B. (La Prairie 1994) []

Another notable event attended by the LGMB was the Bloor-Danforth subway opening on February 261966. According to "The Ubyssey", a University of British Columbia student newspaper, 500 University of Toronto engineering students led by the LGMB "lept over turnstiles" and the first 400 students piled onto a train. One of the remaining students then pulled the emergency power switch. This event interfered with regular service for more than five hours. The LGMB has been accused of causing this disruption; however, their involvement is not verified. []

The next year, the LGMB produced their first of six albums to date, "Lady Godiva Memorial Band at the Mighty Cannonball" (1962). Also produced by the LGMB were "The Lady Godiva Memorial Band Strikes Back!!" (1964), "Lady Godiva Memorial Band Blows" (1967), "Band With the Runs" (1977), "Never Mind the Football Game", "Here's the Lady Godiva Memorial Band" (1989), and "Let Go Me Bongos!" (CD 1999).

In 1976, the LGMB won a second place award in the Kiwanis Festival in class 425 (Brass and Reed Bands — Open). Paul Higgins led the LGMB to a first place award in class 501 (Brass and Reed Bands — membership to be less than 30), in a different year, for their performance of "First Suite for Military Band in E Flat" by Gustav Holst.

About the same time, just before their 1977 album, a new uniform began to appear. Along with the engineering jacket and decorated hardhat, members wore hockey shirts adorned with the LGMB logo on the front. These shirts were originally mostly yellow with blue and white accents. (The Skule colours are blue and gold.) This design was updated to mostly blue with yellow and white accents in 1993.

In 2000, the LGMB sat in the audience for a showing of Jonovision. They were mentioned briefly by the host Jonathan Torrens. The LGMB also made it onto Breakfast Television on September 32002.

Albums and Discography

*1962: "Lady Godiva Memorial Band at the Mighty Cannonball"

1. Colonel Bogey 2. Peter Gunn3. Lassus Trombone4. In a Persian Market5. Midnight in Moscow6. JFK7. Little Brown Jug8. Prelude in C-Sharp Minor (transposed)9. Theme from Man with the Golden Arm10. Godiva11. The Saints

*1964: "The Lady Godiva Memorial Band Strikes Back!!"

1. Divertmento2. Ben Gunn3. Electronic Joke #14. Lassus Trombone5. The Light Cavalry Overture6. Five O'Clock in UC7. Godiva8. The Saints9. Cannon10. Little Brown Jug11. Electronic Joke #212. 1812 Overture13. One Minute of Silence14. Skeaf plays Gershwin15. Huzzanga Chorus16. University of Toronto

*1967: "Lady Godiva Memorial Band Blows"

Side One1. Fanfare to the prize-winning Lady Godiva Memorial Band 2. God save DeGaulle3. Bill Bailey, will you please go home4. Batman5. Dolly's Last Stand6. Peter in the wolf7. Watermelon man8. Talking McGill Train Blues9. The man with the golden finger10. University College Song and Cheer11. The Skule Song and Cannon

Side Two21. Second Brandenburg Concerto, Allegro Assai22. Muskrat Ramble23. Beethoven's Fifth Symphony24a First Suite for Military Band in and around E Flat24b First Suite for Military Band in and around E Flat24c First Suite for Military Band in and around E Flat25. Blue Danube Waltz26. Canada's Favourite Folksongs27. Bungler's Holiday28. University of Toronto Song29. Spontaneous Encore Blues30. Trumpet Voluntary Movement and Water Music

*1977: "Band With the Runs"

Side One1. Preamble2. Gnag Bnag (Sam and Janet Evening)3. Ooble Dooble4. Blue and White (Black and Blue)5. Crock of Ages (Sally Ann)6. The Blunderer (R.I.P. Sousa; disarr. R. Yates)7. Ben Dover Suite8. Mailman (John Henry)9. The Stripper (Fanny Foxbach)10. Furry Leaves (Albumsplaat) (Chevy van Beethoven)11. Amble12. How Does He Smell?

Side Two1. Interamble2. Second Military Suite in F! (Gustav Holst)3. Moreofthesameamble4. Take Me, Out5. Whoa! (When Ah says whoa, Ah means whoa!)6. Postamble7. Skaters Vaults8. Grand Finaleamble9. Skule Song (A cannon featuring the LGMGregorian Chant Society)10. Grate Escape, with Festive Interlewd11. Terrible

*1989: "Never Mind the Football Game, Here's the Lady Godiva Memorial Band"

Side One1. Washington and Lee Swing2. Mickey Mouse3. Oh... Canada3a Bad Joke #14. Flintstones4a Bnad Cheer #1 and more5. Ball Game (Take Me Out)6. Hey, Look Us Over6a Rob West Cheer7. Rubber Ducky7a Bnad Cheer #28. Those Were the Days8a Bnad Cheer #39. 100210. Two-Skin10a Sexual Bnad Chant #111. More Beer11a Bad Joke #211b It's Amazing!11c Bad Joke #312. Web-footed Friends

Side Two1. Godiva's Rap2. Mailman3. Black & Blue (U of T Song)4. Colonel Bogie5. Muppet Shoe6. Oh God! Save the Non-Sexist Engineer7. Black Christmas8. Skater's Waltz9. Song of the Fighting Soldier10. California Suite in C#11. Engineer's Hymn (Skule Song)12. Grate Escape13. K-Dense

*1999: "Let Go Me Bongos!" (CD)

1. Marching Bands2. Sesame Street3. Louie Lou-i-ay4. Rubber Ducky5. Falling Into Sin6. Hey, Look Us Over7. Mailman8. God Save the Engineer9. Game Take Me Out10. Muppet Show11. Why Are We Waiting12. Tickle Terry (PC Version)13. Tickle Terry (Non-PC Version)14. Mickey Mouse15. Foreskin16. Walking Song #117. Walking Song #218. Roll Me Over19. Web Footed20. More Beer21. Tequila22. Wipe Out23. The Engineering Hymn


*La Prairie, A.J. Paul. [ "The Lady Godiva Memorial Band and The Skule Cannon"] . As told on the occasion of "Ajax Remembered" held in 1994.
*Lindsey, Graham. [ "Biography: Tim Allan"] . Updated August 2005.
*Bossin, Bob. [ "My Obituary"] . Excerpts from "That's what folk songs have always done...." Originally published in the "Canadian Folk Music Bulletin," December 1995.
* [ "Engineers pull a slow one."] "The Ubyssey." Vol. XLVIII, No. 54. Page 1. 1 March1966.

External links

* [ The Lady Godiva Memorial Bnad]
* [ University of Toronto]
* [ University of Toronto Engineering Society (]
* []

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