Infobox Paris Network
Line=RER E
RollingStock=MI 2N
The RER E is one of the five lines in the RER Rapid transit system serving Paris, France.

The line runs from "Haussmann St-Lazare (E1) to Chelles Gournay (E2) and Tournan (E4)"
* First inauguration : 1999
* Length : 52.3 km (32.5 miles)
* Number of stops : 21

Line E runs from Haussmann - St-Lazare via Magenta (serving Gare de l'Est and Gare du Nord) to the north-eastern suburbs. It was originally referred to as the EOLE, or Est Ouest Ligne Express.

The line's construction leaves Gare Montparnasse as the only mainline terminus in Paris not directly connected to the RER system, the Montparnasse main line being connected to the RER at Versailles-Chantiers and the LGV Atlantique at Massy-Palaiseau.


* July 12th, 1999 : Inauguration of the line E of the RER between Haussmann - St-Lazare and Chelles. Includes tunnel between Haussmann - St-Lazare and Magenta, 2 km.
* August 30th, 1999 : The line is extended with a new branch from Noisy le Sec to Villiers-sur-Marne.
* December 14th, 2003 : The line is extended from Villiers-sur-Marne to Tournan.

List of RER E stations


ee also

* List of stations of the Paris Métro
* List of stations of the Paris RER

External links

* [ RATP official website] "(in French)"
* [ RATP English speaking website]
* [ Interactive Map of the RER (from RATP's website)]
* [ Interactive Map of the Paris métro (from RATP's website)]
* [ Mobidf website, dedicated to the RER (unofficial)] "(in French)"
* [ Metro-Pole website, dedicated to Paris public transports (unofficial)] "(in French)"

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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