lutiné — lutiné, ée (lu ti né, née) part. passé de lutiner … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
lutine — ● lutin, lutine adjectif (de lutin) Littéraire. Qui est éveillé, espiègle … Encyclopédie Universelle
Lutine — Schiffsglocke bei Lloyds in London. Die Fregatte Lutine sank 1799 mit einer wertvollen Ladung. Nur die Schiffsglocke konnte geborgen werden. Bei wichtigen Ereignissen (z.B. Schiffsuntergangen) wird sie heute noch angeschlagen … Maritimes Wörterbuch
Lutine bell — n. a bell kept at Lloyd s in London and rung whenever there is an important announcement to be made to the underwriters. Etymology: HMS Lutine, which sank in 1799, whose bell it was * * * /looh teen/ the salvaged bell from the wrecked British… … Useful english dictionary
Lutine bell — /looh teen/ the salvaged bell from the wrecked British warship Lutine, hung in the insurance office of Lloyd s of London and traditionally rung before announcements of ships overdue or lost at sea. * * * … Universalium
Lutine Bell — A bell that hangs in the underwriting room at Lloyd s and is rung for ceremonial occasions and rarely to draw the attention of underwriters to an important announcement. It was formerly rung once if a ship sank and twice for good news. It was… … Big dictionary of business and management
Lutine bell — /lutin ˈbɛl/ (say loohteen bel) noun the ship s bell of the vessel Lutine ; now kept at Lloyd s and always rung before an important announcement, as of the loss of a vessel …
HMS Lutine (1779) — The Lutine was a Magicienne class frigate of the French Navy, launched in 1779, captured by the Royal Navy, recommissioned as HMS Lutine , and lost in 1799. The Lutine Bell from the ship is preserved at Lloyd s of London. Lutine was originally a… … Wikipedia
HMS Lutine — Geschichte Typ Fregatte Bauwerft Marinewerft Toulon Bestellung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fee lutine (folklore) — Fée lutine (folklore) Description Les fées lutines sont différentes des autres fées à cause de la taille énorme de leur cerveau, ce qui leur donne une grosse tête par rapport à une tête de fée normale. Les fées lutines dans la littérature … Wikipédia en Français