Israel Knohl

Israel Knohl

Israel Knohl is the professor of Biblical studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a Senior Fellow at Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. He is best known for his controversial theory that Jewish culture contained a popular myth about a messiah who rose from the dead in the days before Jesus Christ. Those theories are expounded in the book, The Messiah before Jesus: The Suffering Servant of the Dead Sea Scrolls (University of California Press, 2000). He is known for his "The Sanctuary of Silence", a "popular science" book concerning his theories about the dating of the Priestly Source. In this, he proposes that the Priestly Source (P) dates from a much earlier period than it is usually dated to, and consequently that the Holiness Code (H) represents an addition to the law code of P, rather than the standard interpretation which is the reverse. Knohl suggests that H might have been inserted into P in order for the Temple priesthood to respond to the growing Prophetic movements.


* [ 'In three days, you shall live'] at []
* [ 'The messiah before Jesus'] at [ Shalom Hartman Institute]

External links

* [ Homepage at Hebrew University]
* [ Homepage at Shalom Hartman Institute]

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