Pannonia Valeria

Pannonia Valeria

The Pannonia Valeria or simply Valeria was an ancient Roman province. It was formed in the year 296, during the reign of emperor Diocletian. The capital of the province was Sopianae (today Pécs). Pannonia Valeria included parts of present-day Hungary and Croatia.

ee also

*Roman provinces
*Roman Empire

External links

* [ Pannonia - 1911 Encyclopedia]

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  • Valerĭa [1] — Valerĭa, 1) Provinz in Pannonien zwischen der Donau u. Drau, s.u. Pannonia; 2) (Varia), Stadt in Latium, zwischen Tibur u. Carseoli auf der Valerianischen Straße, j. Vico Varo; 3) so v.w. Aleria; 4) Ortschaft der Celtiberer im Tarraconensischen… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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  • Pannonia —    Roman province in central Europe that bordered the Danube (q.v.) to the north and east, and the province of Noricum (q.v.) to the west. Diocletian (q.v.) divided it into four provinces (Pannonia I, Pannonia II, Savia, and Valeria) ca. 295. It… …   Historical dictionary of Byzantium

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