

, but news of Grimoald's death reached him first.

In 671, he returned from exile and retook his realm, which was being ruled on behalf of Grimoald's son Garibald. He made Catholicism the official religion [ cite book |last=Brown |first=T. S. |title=The New Cambridge Medieval History: II. c. 700 - c. 900 |pages=p.321 ] , but did not recognise papal authority. He made peace with the Byzantines and associated Cunincpert with the throne in 678. He fought against the rebellion of Alagis, duke of Trent, and was assassinated in 688 by a conspiracy. It was to be his only campaign, though he captured the duke, he pardoned and released him.

His daughter Wigilinda married Duke Grimoald II of Benevento, son of Romuald I of Benevento. His reign is not noted for its military accomplishments, but for his religious endowments. He built the churches of Saint Agatha and the Virgin (outside the walls) at Pavia. He was succeeded by his more warlike son, who was to fight to no avail against the man his father had caught and let go.





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