Judah ben Baba

Judah ben Baba

Rabbi Judah ben Baba was a rabbi in the second century who ordained a number of rabbis at a time when the Roman government forbade this ceremony. The penalty was execution for the ordainer and the new rabbis. The rabbis ordained by Rabbi Judah ben Baba include Judah ben Ilai. Rabbi Judah ben Baba was killed by Hadrian's soldiers at the age of seventy, and is known as one of the Ten Martyrs.

Contributions to Talmud

Rabbi Judah ben Baba is the subject of many sayings and legends. He was known as "the Ḥasid," and it is said that wherever the Talmud speaks of "the Chasid," it is a reference to either he or Judah ben Ilai.

He authored several decisions in the Halakah, including the ruling that one witness to the death of the husband is sufficient to justify permitting the wife to marry again (Hamburger, "R. B. T." ii. 451). Rabbi Akiva was his most powerful opponent in halakic disputes (Bacher, "Ag. Tan." i. 404).

External links

* [http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=612&letter=J Judah B. Baba] Jewish Encyclopedia



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