

French commune
nomcommune = Biard
longitude = 0.306
latitude = 46.5783
région = Poitou-Charentes
département = Vienne
arrondissement = Poitiers
canton = Poitiers 6th Canton
maire = Anthony Sirot
mandat = 2001-2008
intercomm = Communauté d'agglomération de Poitiers
alt mini = 75 m
alt maxi = 136 m
alt moy = 100 m
km² = 7.47
sans = 1,501
date-sans = 1999
dens = 200
insee = 86027
cp = 86580

Biard is a commune of the Vienne "département", in France.

External links

* [ Grottes de Biard]
* [ Biard] at "Institut Géographique National"
* [ Biard] at "Insee"
* [ Biard] at "Quid"
* [ Biard] at "Localisation Interactive Orthodromie et Navigation"
* [ Biard] at MapQuest

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