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Liberty (division) — A Liberty was a local government unit in England. Originating in the Middle Ages, liberties were areas of widely variable extent which were independent of the usual system of hundreds and boroughs for a number of different reasons, usually to do… … Wikipedia
Liberty (división) — Para otros usos de este término, véase Liberty. Una liberty (“libertad”) es una unidad de gobierno local en Inglaterra, de las cuales sólo dos existen en la actualidad: Middle Temple e Inner Temple. Originadas en la Edad Media, las liberties… … Wikipedia Español
List of liberties in Dorset — Liberties were an administrative unit of local government in England from the Middle Ages to the 19th century, co existing with the then operative system of hundreds and boroughs but independent of both, generally for reasons of tenure. The… … Wikipedia
List of hundreds in Dorset — This is a list of hundreds (i.e., administrative subdivisions) in the county of Dorset, England. Between the Anglo Saxon period and the Poor Law Amendment Act 1834, the county of Dorset was divided into hundreds and boroughs (and from the… … Wikipedia