- SiteFrame
caption=The SiteFrame homepage
developer= [http://siteframe.org/u/glen Glen Campbell]
latest_release_date = release date|2007|09|04
genre=Content management systems
license=Creative Commons
website= [http://www.siteframe.org/ Siteframe.org]SiteFrame is a light
content management system for use for many types of websites including weblogs and community driven websites created by Glen Campbell. It stores information in aMySQL database, and is scripted usingPHP . The current version is 5.0 dubbed "Beaumont", named after a small town inTexas . Beaumont uses theSmarty PHP template engine to organize and display all content. Unlike most CMS's Siteframe does not use aGPL license, but instead it's licensed under theCreative Commons license. The other two previous versions that work without Smarty, PHP 5 or MYSQL 4.1 can also be downloaded off the site for those unable to use PHP 5 or MYSQL 4.1 on their web server. Siteframe is free software.History
Siteframe began as a set of PHP scripts developed by Glen Campbell for a
Contax G camera, photo sharing website, named [http://contaxg.com "The Contax G Pages"] , Glen developed an application in PHP which he called "Siteframe". Versions 1 and 2 were developed in a relatively short time frame, version 3.0 was released in 2001 and to this day is maintained. Glen also developed a lighter version of Siteframe with improved technologies nicknamed "La Grange" which adopted the fourth version number and was meant to be lighter, however this project was abandoned in favor for Siteframe "Beaumont". Version 5.0 "Beaumont" began development in late 2004 and was released in December 2005, this version provided numerous improvements as well as an overhaul in the underlying architecture and replacing a proprietary templating engine withSmarty , this version is actively maintained and the latest is 5.0.5 released onSeptember 04 ,2007 . While the version 3 series is actively maintained for users without MYSQL 4.1 or PHP 5.Use
Siteframe is primarily aimed for communities where a group of people share e-mail, photos and blogs. Later versions of Siteframe provide support for tagging and photo sharing. Siteframe also serves as adequate photo gallery software, mostly derived from the fact Siteframe can be used to store and manage photos. Siteframe also supports user profiling and folder management, where users can create "folders" much like categories and store content in those folders.
External links
* [http://www.siteframe.org/ Official Site]
* [http://netenberg.com/fantastico_scripts.php Fantastico] (Includes Siteframe 3.2.2)
* [http://list.broadpool.com/mailman/listinfo/siteframe A mailing list]
* [http://www.watchex.net/.web_hosting_files/cms/siteframe.html Siteframe-geared Web hosting]
* [http://2007.oscms-summit.org/taxonomy/term/186 OSCMS Summit Webpage Concerning Siteframe]
* [http://www.hiveminds.co.uk/node/305 Hiveminds on siteframe]
* [http://www.bmf.hu/conferences/huci2006/53_Legany.pdf BMF PDF on Siteframe]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.