

Richerus was a monk of St. Remi at Reims, and a chronicler of the 10th century.

He was a son of Rodulf, a trusty councillor and captain of Louis IV of France. He studied at Reims under Gerbert, afterwards Pope Silvester II, who taught him mathematics, history, letters and eloquence. He was also well versed in the medical science of his time, and in 991 travelled to Chartres to consult the medical manuscripts there. He was still living in 998, but there is no mention of him after that date. In spite of his violent partisanship, for Richerus was an ardent upholder of the Carolingians and French supremacy, of great defects of style, and of an utter disregard of accuracy and truth, his "Historiae" has a unique value as giving us the only tolerably full account by a contemporary of the memorable revolution of 987, which placed the Capets on the throne of France. The "Historiae", in four books, begins with Charles the Fat and Eudes, and goes down to the year 995. From 969 onwards Richerus had no earlier history before him, and his work is the chief source for the period. It was first edited in Pertz's "Monumenta Germaniae Historica", vol. iii.

There are French translations by J. Guadet (Paris, 1845, Soc. de l'hist. de France); Poinsignon (Reims, 1855, Pub. de l'Academie de Rheims); and a German version by K. Freiherr v. der Osten-Sacken (Berlin 1854). Cf. A. Molinier, Sources de l'histoire de France, i. 284 (ed. 1901).



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* [ Opera Omnia by Migne Patrologia Latina with analytical indexes]

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