

The term card (from Greek "χάρτης" - "chartēs", "paper, papyrus"), primarily refers to cardboard or a piece of this.

More generally, the term can refer to any of various small flat objects, typically made from heavy paper or plastic. In particular:
* Business card, a wallet sized card containing contact information for a person or business
* Cigarette card, a trading card used to reinforce cigarette packaging
* Common Access Card (CAC), a Department of Defense (DoD) access & ID Card; contains a computer chip.
* Credit card, a plastic card for purchasing items on credit
* Debit card, a plastic card for purchasing items using money in a bank account
* Expansion card or computer card, a computer hardware component or device, attached generally inside a computer, that provides added functionality, such as a graphics card or sound card
* File card (tool), a metal brush used to clean the cutting grooves on files
* Gift card, usually plastic payment tool that is mailed or given to a relative, friend, or associate as a method of purchasing within stores
* Greeting card, usually folded paper that is mailed or given to a relative, friend, or associate to express a message of greeting, appreciation, or some other sentiment
* Health card, a token to be used as patient data card (PDC) or health professional card (HPC)
* ID card, an identity document
* Index card, a card for creating and organizing notes in a stack, usually for a research project
* Library card, a card used to borrow books or other media from a library
* Memory card, a data storage device used with digital cameras, computers, telephones, music players, video game consoles, and other electronics
* Penalty cards for rule violations in several sports, e.g. red card or yellow card
* Playing card, a card, typically made of laminated paper, used for playing games
* Policy debate card, a piece of evidence in policy debate
* Postcard, a card used for sending messages in the mail without use of an envelope
* Punch card, an obsolete method for storing data
* Raising card, a spiked brush-like tool used to straighten out wool, hemp, etc.
* SIM card, a smart card identifying a mobile phone service subscriber
* Smart card, a plastic card containing a computer chip (also known as a Key Card)
* Trading card, a card used for trading or collecting, or for use in a collectible card game
* Value card, a self-help device listing behavior changes the bearer wants to make
* Visiting card, aka calling card, a more personal version of a business card

Non-physical analogues of physical cards:

* E-card, an electronic version of a greeting card or postcard
* Test card, also known as a test pattern, a television test signal, typically broadcast at times when the transmitter is active, but no programmes are being broadcast



* Arizona Cardinals, a National Football League team
* Louisville Cardinals, the athletic teams of the University of Louisville
* St. Louis Cardinals, a Major League Baseball team


* Card (professional wrestling), the lineup of the matches that will be staged at a given venue for a given performance


* The CARDS programme (Community Assistance for Reconstruction Development and Stabilisation), the European Union's main financial assistance instrument to the Western Balkans.
*Caspase recruitment domains, or CARD domains, are interaction motifs found in a wide array of proteins.
*Wolfson Centre for Age-Related Diseases


*card may be used in mathematical notation as a function that returns the cardinality of a set. See also cardinal number.
*Card reader
*The Card, Arnold Bennett's 1911 novel and the 1952 film derived from it

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  • card — card1 [kärd] n. [ME carde < OFr carte < ML carta, card, paper < L charta, leaf of paper, tablet < Gr chartēs, layer of papyrus; prob. < Egypt] 1. a flat, stiff piece of thick paper or thin pasteboard, usually rectangular, as a) any …   English World dictionary

  • Card — (k[aum]rd), n. [F. carte, fr. L. charta paper, Gr. ? a leaf of paper. Cf. {Chart}.] 1. A piece of pasteboard, or thick paper, blank or prepared for various uses; as, a playing card; a visiting card; a card of invitation; pl. a game played with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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