- Calidrid
name = Typical waders
image_width = 200px
image_caption =Red Knot , "Calidris canutus". "Calidris s. str." are stout birds with bold pattern in breeding plumage
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Chordata
classis =Aves
subclassis =Neornithes
infraclassis =Neoaves
ordo =Charadriiformes
subordo = Scolopaci
familia =Scolopacidae ("partim")
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Calidris"
and see text.The calidrids or typical waders are a group of
Arctic -breeding, strongly migratory wadingbird s. These birds form huge mixed flocks on coasts and estuaries in winter. They are the typical "sandpiper s", small to medium-sized, long-winged and relatively short-billed.Their bills have sensitive tips which enable them to locate buried prey items, which they typically seek with restless running and probing.
As the common name "sandpiper" is shared by some calidrids with more distantly related birds such as the "
Actitis " species, the termstint is preferred in Britain for the smaller species of this group.ystematics and taxonomy
The calidrids' closest relatives are the two species of
turnstone , and if the calidrids were to be considered one or two tribes Calidriini and/or Arenariini, and/orsubfamily Eroliinae , the turnstones would be included in itThomas "et al" (2004)] . There exists afossil bone, adistal piece oftarsometatarsus found in theEdson Beds ofSherman County, Kansas . Dating from the mid-Blancan some 4-3 million years ago, it appears to be from a calidriid somewhat similar to aPectoral Sandpiper , but has some traits reminiscent of turnstones [Wetmore (1937)] . Depending on which traits areapomorph ic andplesiomorph ic, it may be an ancestral representative of either lineage. It might also belong to some distinct prehistoric genus, as true calidriid sandpipers seem to have been present earlier (see below).The interrelationships of the calidrid group are not altogether well resolved. Several former genera have been included in "Calidris", such as the
Stilt Sandpiper (previously "Micropalama himantopus")Fact|date=February 2007, but the new placement was also not entirely satisfactory. It was suggested, for example, that theSanderling should be placed into amonotypic genus "Crocethia"Fact|date=February 2007, and the other small "Calidris" species separated as "Erolia"Fact|date=February 2007. Alternatively, it was suggested that the monotypic "Aphriza", "Limicola" and "Eurynorhynchus" be also merged into "Calidris".A comprehensive analysis combining newly available
DNA sequence data indicates that the extended "Calidris" is indeedparaphyletic (orpolyphyletic if "all" calidrids are combined in it), but found the presentDNA sequence data insufficient to resolve the relationships of some more unusual taxa such as theCurlew Sandpiper . In addition, it is known that the calidriid lineages are able to hybridize to a considerable extent and in the past, this was probably even more frequent and more hybrids would have been viable; therefore studies based onmtDNA data alone can be unreliable.Still, three groups of close relatives emerge:
#The largest contains the smaller species, including the Sanderling, and probably also theBuff-breasted Sandpiper . If it is considered a distinct genus, the name "Ereunetes" would apply, first published in 1811. TheCurlew Sandpiper might also belong here; it is thetype species of "Erolia", first published in1816 .
#The genus "Calidris sensu stricto" contains the knots and the surfbird.
#Another small group contains somewhat aberrant species, namely the Ruff, theBroad-billed Sandpiper , and theSharp-tailed Sandpiper , which would use the name "Philomachus".Genera and species
The species, according to updated / traditional taxonomy, are as follows:
* Genus "Calidris sensu stricto" - knots
**Surfbird , "Calidris virgatus" / "Aphriza virgata"
**Great Knot , "Calidris tenuirostris"
**Red Knot , "Calidris canutus"Other calidrids (all at some time placed in "Calidris" too)
* Genus N.N. ("Ereunetes"?) -stint s
**Semipalmated Sandpiper , "Calidris" pusilla" or "Ereunetes pusillus"
**Little Stint , "Calidris" minuta"
**Least Sandpiper , "Calidris" minutilla"
**White-rumped Sandpiper , "Calidris" fuscicollis"
**Baird's Sandpiper , "Calidris" bairdii"
**Dunlin , "Calidris" alpina"
**Red-necked Stint , "Calidris" ruficollis"
**Long-toed Stint , "Calidris" subminuta"
**Pectoral Sandpiper , "Calidris" melanotos"
**Sanderling , "Calidris" alba" or "Crocethia alba"
**Western Sandpiper , "Calidris" mauri" or "Ereunetes mauri"
**Purple Sandpiper , "Calidris" maritima"
**Rock Sandpiper , "Calidris" ptilocnemis"
**Temminck's Stint , "Calidris" temminckii"
**Buff-breasted Sandpiper , "Tryngites" subruficollis"
*Genus "Philomachus"
** Ruff, "Philomachus pugnax"
**Broad-billed Sandpiper , "Philomachus falcinellus" / "Limicola falcinellus" ("Erolia falcinella")
**Sharp-tailed Sandpiper , "Philomachus acuminatus" / "Calidris acuminata"
*Genus "Micropalama" (doubtfully valid; "Erolius" sensu stricto?)
**Stilt Sandpiper , "Micropalama himantopus" / "Calidris himantopus"
*Genus "Eurynorhynchus" (doubtfully valid)
**Spoon-billed Sandpiper , "Eurynorhynchus pygmeus" / "Calidris pygmeus"
*"incertae sedis" ("Erolia" sensu stricto?)
**Curlew Sandpiper , ?"Calidris ferruginea"As mentioned above, there exists some material of birds essentially identical to calidriid sandpipers from before the
Pleistocene . An undescribed species is known from theEarly Miocene ofDolnice (Czechia ). "Tringa gracilis" (Early Miocene of WC Europe) and "Tringa minor" (= "Totanus minor", "Erolia ennouchii") from the Middle Miocene of Grive-Saint-Alban (France) are scolopacids of rather uncertain affiliations; they might be charadriids. [Mlíkovský (2002)]ee also
Cox's Sandpiper
*Hybridisation in shorebirds Footnotes
* (2002): "Cenozoic Birds of the World, Part 1: Europe". Ninox Press, Prague. ISBN 80-901105-3-8 [http://www.nm.cz/download/JML-18-2002-CBE.pdf PDF fulltext]
* (2004): A supertree approach to shorebird phylogeny. "BMC Evol. Biol." 4: 28. doi|10.1186/1471-2148-4-28 [http://www.pubmedcentral.org/picrender.fcgi?artid=515296&blobtype=pdf PDF fulltext] [http://www.pubmedcentral.org/articlerender.fcgi?artid=515296#supplementary-material-sec Supplementary Material]
* (1937): The Eared Grebe and other Birds from the Pliocene of Kansas. "Condor" 39(1): 40. [http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/Condor/files/issues/v039n01/p0040-p0040.pdf PDF fulltext] [http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/Condor/files/DJVU/v039n01/P0040-P0040.djvu DjVu fulltext]
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