Natural Law Party candidates, 2000 Canadian federal election

Natural Law Party candidates, 2000 Canadian federal election

The Natural Law Party of Canada fielded several candidates in the 2000 federal election, none of whom were elected. Information about these candidates may be found here.


Matthew Macleod (Eglinton—Lawrence)

Macleod is a musician. He has released an album entitled "Comedies, Histories, Tragedies", and performed a solo concert at EcoFair 2003 (organized by the Maharishi University of Management). [ [ Matthew Macleod home page] , accessed 13 July 2006; [ EcoFair 2003 home page] , accessed 13 July 2006] He received 133 votes (0.32%), finishing seventh against Liberal incumbent Joe Volpe.

Helene Anne Darisse (Hamilton East)

Darisse, also called Helene Darisse-Yildirim, is a teacher and video producer from the Niagara Falls area. She holds Bachelor of Education and Master of Arts degrees ("Canada NewsWire", 17 December 2000), and is a member of the Ontario Straw Bale Building Coalition [] , and the Canadian Yoga Alliance. []

Darisse was a perennial candidate for the Natural Law Party at both the federal and provincial levels.

PIerrette J. Blondin (Ottawa—Vanier)

Blondin has a Master of Education degree. She was a frequent candidate for the NLP at the provincial and federal levels. During the 1995 provincial election, she described herself as having twenty-eight years' experience as a teacher in the Ottawa-Carleton French School Board, and fifteen years' experience with transcendental meditation. []


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