- Nikolai Gredeskul
Nikolai Andreevich Gredeskul (1864 - 1930? ref|DOB) was a
Russia n liberal politician.Biography
Law Professor
After graduating from the University of
Kharkiv 's law school, Gredeskul became alaw professor (1890) and later dean of the law school there ref|Kharkiv. In late 1904, with social tensions rising as Russian defeats in theRusso-Japanese War mounted, he joined other prominent Russian professors in calling for political reform and an academic union and was instrumental in founding the liberal "Soyuz Osvobozhdeniya" ("Liberation League"). Gredeskul admitted that the professoriat's traditional hostility to student protests, e.g. during the student unrest in 1899, may have been a mistake ref|1904. With the easing of restrictions on independent press during theRussian Revolution of 1905 , he founded and edited "Mir", a liberal newspaper in Kharkiv.Liberal Politician
In October 1905, at the height of the revolution, Gredeskul became one of the founding members of the
Constitutional Democratic party (aka the Kadet party) and a member of its Central Committee. In December 1905, after the suppression of theMoscow uprising, Gredeskul's paper was closed by the authorities, he was arrested and then exiled to theArkhangelsk region. While in exile, he was elected to the FirstState Duma from the Kadets in February 1906, which ended his exile. He went to the capital,St. Petersburg , where he was elected Second Deputy Chairman of the Duma when it was convoked in April 1906. After the government dissolved the Duma onJuly 9 , 1906, Gredeskul signed theVyborg Manifesto , which called for passive resistance to the government. He was arrested, imprisoned for three months and barred from running in future Duma elections.During the revolution, Gredeskul moved to St. Petersburg and became a professor of law at the
St. Petersburg Polytechnical Institute . He coined the term "psychology of despair" to describe the psychology of the Russian society in the wake of the revolution's defeat ref|despair. Considered one of the Kadets' leading theoreticians, Gredeskul [http://historic.ru/books/item/f00/s00/z0000021/st089.shtml defended] radical traditions of the Russianintelligentsia against criticism from the Right by "Vekhi " authors in 1909. In late 1911, after the assassination of prime ministerPyotr Stolypin by Bogrov, a former secret police informer, Gredeskul argued that with the decline in revolutionary terrorism after 1907, the government should abandon its covert operations as well ref|Stolypin.Nationalist Evolution
Although at first Gredeskul was somewhat to the Left of the Constitutional Democratic party's center ref|Left, after 1910 he moved to the Right and in 1912-1914 argued for an alliance with the Progressive faction and the Left wing of the
Octobrists ref|Octobrists. In 1916, at the height ofWorld War I , he published a pamphlet on the problem of ethnic minorities in Russia, which suggested that his views were evolving in the nationalist direction ref|1916. In 1916 he began writing forAlexander Protopopov 's "Russkaya Volya" ("Russian Will"), a nationalist newspaper, which [http://www.yabloko.ru/alt/Themes/History/gredeskoul1.html led] to Gredeskul's resignation from the Kadet Central Committee. Gredeskul edited "Russkaya Volya" between theFebruary Revolution of 1917 and theOctober Revolution of 1917 , when it was closed down by the newBolshevik government.After the 1917 Revolution
After the Bolshevik takeover, Gredeskul stayed in Soviet Russia ref|Family and argued that Russian intellectuals should come to terms with the new government, which he saw as evolving in a more nationalist direction, anticipating
Nikolay Ustryalov 's ideas by a few months. In the summer of 1920, Bolshevik authorities arranged a speaking tour of the country for him ref|tour.In the 1920s, Grudeskul joined the Communist Party and was employed by the government as a university professor in Leningrad. He tried to combine Marx and Nietzsche ref|Nietzsche in his book "Russia, Before and Now" ("Rossiia prezhde i teper"):
:Superman, if one looks only at his internal meaning ... is a man of superior will and superior doubts ... in this internal meaning [the image of Superman] is glorious to a proletarian, not at all so to a bourgeois". ref|Superman
*"K ucheniyu ob osuschestvlenii prava" ("On the Theory of Law Implementation"), Kharkov, 1900, 235pp.
*"Sotsiologicheskoe izuchenie prava" ("Sociological Study of the Law"), St. Petersburg, 1900, 13pp.
*"Lektsii po obschei teorii prava" ("Lectures on the General Theory of the Law"), [St. Petersburg] , 1909, 317pp.
*"Rossiya i eyo narody: Velikaya Rossiya, kak programma razresheniya natsionalnogo voprosa v Rossii" ("Russia and her Peoples: Great Russia as a Program to Solve the Nationalities Question in Russia"), Petrograd, M. V. Popova, 1916, 79pp.
*"Rossiia prezhde i teper" ("Russia, Before and Now"), [Leningrad?] , 1926, 254pp.Notes
* Date of death taken from the Russian Duma's [http://www.duma.gov.ru/index.jsp?t=history/gred.html Web site] . Other sources are less definite and state that Gredeskul died "in the 1930s".
* See Mikhail Agursky. "Nietzschean Roots of Stalinist Culture", in "Nietzsche and Soviet Culture: Ally and Adversary", ed. Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal, Cambridge University Press, 1994, ISBN 0-521-45281-3 p. 263.
* See Samuel Kassow. "University Professors", in "Russia's Missing Middle Class: The Professions in Russian History", ed. Harley D. Balzer, M. E. Sharp, Inc., 1996, ISBN 1-56324-748-8 p. 206
* See Jeffrey Brooks. "Readers and Reading at the End of the Tsarist Era", in "Literature and Society in Imperial Russia, 1800-1914", Stanford University Press, 1978, ISBN 0-8047-0961-0 p. 107
* See Jonathan Daly, "The Security Police", in "Russia Under the Last Tsar", edited by Anna Geifman, Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 1999, ISBN 1-55786-995-2, pp. 231-232
* See Norman Stone. "Europe Transformed", 2nd edition, Malden, MA, Blackwell, Publisgers Ltd, 1999, ISBN 0-631-21377-5 p.184
* See Melissa Stockdale. "The Constitutional Democratic Party", in "Russia Under the Last Tsar", op. cit., pp. 168.
* N. A. Gredeskul. "Rossiya i eyo narody: Velikaya Rossiya, kak programma razresheniya natsionalnogo voprosa v Rossii" ("Russia and her Peoples: Great Russia as a Program to Solve the Nationalities Question in Russia"), Petrograd, M. V. Popova, 1916, 79pp.
* Gredeskul's wife divorced him in 1918 and took their daughters toRomania -controlledBessarabia . One of his daughters, Lyudmila Gredeskul, [http://www.requiem.spb.ru/list/person.php3?id=288&y=1 returned] to the Soviet Union in December 1930, but her university diploma wasn't recognized and she worked at a factory. She was arrested onJuly 5 ,1941 , sentenced to 10 years in the Sovietlabor camps and died in a German offensive outside ofSmolensk when prisoners were forced to dig trenches to stop German tanks.
* See John Gray. "Post-Liberalism: Studies in Political Thought", New York, Routledge, 1993, ISBN 0-415-08873-9 (ISBN 0-415-13553-2 for the 1996 paperback edition), p. 177.
* See Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal. "New Myth, New World: From Nietzsche to Stalinism", Pennsylvania State University, 2002, ISBN 0-271-02533-6, pp. 200-201
* See Mikhail Agursky. "Nietzschean Roots of Stalinist Culture", in "Nietzsche and Soviet Culture: Ally and Adversary", op. cit., p. 263.
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