Herbert Norkus

Herbert Norkus

Herbert Norkus (July 26, 1916 - January 24, 1932 in Berlin) was a Hitler Youth member who was killed in an altercation with German Communists. He became a model and martyr for the Hitler Youth and was widely used in Nazi propaganda.


Born to a working class family in Berlin's Tiergarten district, Norkus joined the sea group of the Hitler Youth. He was also reported to have enjoyed playing the piano and drawing. His father had been wounded in World War I and in historical writing has been cited as both a committed National Socialist or as a Communist. The later Nazi characterization of his father emphasized a claimed initial opposition to the boy's Nazi loyalties.

Clashes between the Hitler Youth and the Communist Red Front youth movement were becoming increasingly common as the NSDAP and the German Communist Party struggled for power.


On January 24, 1932, Herbert Norkus and other Hitler Youth were distributing leaflets advertising an upcoming Nazi meeting. The group was attacked by Communists and fled. However, Norkus was caught and stabbed twice. He broke free and ran to a nearby house for help, but the owner, a night watchman, slammed the door in his face. Norkus ran to the next building, but the boys caught up to him. He broke free again, hollering for help, he knocked on the door of the building but nobody answered. Norkus was then stabbed six more times. He managed to break free once more, leaving a bloody trail as he stumbled towards the next house. Marie Jobs opened to door, and her mother bent over the body of Herbert Norkus, who had collapsed in the corrider leaving bloody hand prints on the wall where he had tried to pull himself up. The Communists fled. Mrs. Jobs called for a taxi, and Norkus was taken to Moabit Hospital, where he died shortly afterwards.

"Hitlerjunge Quex"

Writer Karl Aloys Schenzinger made him into a propaganda model in the popular Nazi book "Der Hitlerjunge Quex" (1932), which in 1933 also became a film directed by Hans Steinhoff with Heinrich George. It was required reading for all members of the Hitler Youth.


A school ship called the "Herbert Norkus" was built in his honor, and many schools, streets, and squares were also named after him.

External links

* [http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/hitleryouth/index.html The History Place - Hitler Youth]


* Arnold Littmann: "Herbert Norkus und die Hitlerjungen vom Beußelkietz." Berlin: Steuben. 1934.
* Hermann Gerstmayer (Hsrg.): "Herbert Norkus, der Hitlerjunge." Berlin: Neues Verlagshaus für Volksliteratur. 1934.
* Rudolf Ramlow: "Herbert Norkus? - hier! Opfer und Sieg der Hitler-Jugend." Stuttgart u.a.: Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft. 1933.
* Wolfgang Schwarz: "Kameradschaft Herbert Norkus." Breslau: Handel. 1934.
* Artur Axmann: "Das kann doch nicht das Ende sein." Hitlers letzter Reichsjugendführer erinnert sich." Koblenz: Bublies. 1995. (Norkus gehörte zu Axmanns Gefolgschaft in Berlin) ISBN 3-926584-33-5

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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