- List of Lepidoptera that feed on lettuces
Lettuces ("
Lactuca spp") are used as food plants by thelarva e of a number ofLepidoptera species including:*
Angle Shades ("Phlogophora meticulosa")
*Autumnal Rustic ("Eugnorisma glareosa")
*Cabbage Moth ("Mamestra brassicae")
*Common Swift ("Korscheltellus lupulina")
*Garden Dart ("Euxoa nigricans")
*Ghost Moth ("Hepialus humuli")
*The Gothic ("Naenia typica")
*Grey Chi ("Antitype chi")
*Heart and Club ("Agrotis clavis")
*Heart and Dart ("Agrotis exclamationis")
*Ingrailed Clay ("Diarsia mendica")
*Large Yellow Underwing ("Noctua pronuba")
*The Nutmeg ("Discestra trifolii")
*Setaceous Hebrew Character ("Xestia c-nigrum")
*The Shark ("Cucullia umbratica")
*Small Angle Shades ("Euplexia lucipara")
*Turnip Moth ("Agrotis segetum")External links
* [http://www.nhm.ac.uk/research-curation/projects/hostplants/ Caterpillar Hostplants Database]
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