Gamma Delphini

Gamma Delphini

Starbox begin
name = Gamma Delphini
Starbox observe
epoch = J2000.0
constell = Delphinus
ra = RA|20|46|38.7
dec = DEC|+16|7|38
appmag_v = 5.14 / 4.27
Starbox character
class = F7V / K1IV
r-i =
v-r =
b-v = 0.49 / 1.04
u-b = 0.08 / 0.97
variable = "None"
Starbox astrometry
radial_v = −7
prop_mo_ra = −25.88
prop_mo_dec = −196.27
parallax = 32.14
p_error = 1.19
parallax_footnote =
dist_ly = 101
dist_pc = 31.1
space_v_u =
space_v_v =
space_v_w =
absmag_v = 2.68 / 1.81
Starbox visbin
reference =
name = Gamma2 Delphini
period = 3249
axis = 13.813
axis_unitless =
eccentricity = 0.88
inclination = 119.2
node = 124.9
periastron = 50
periarg =
Starbox catalog
names = 12 Delphini, BD+15°4255, HD 197963/197964, HIP 102531/102532, HR 7947/7948, SAO 106475/106476, WDS 20467+1607
Starbox reference
Simbad = Gamma+Delphini

Gamma Delphini (γ Del / γ Delphini) is a binary star system approximately 101 light-years away in the constellation of Delphinus. The star marks one corner of the asterism "Job's Coffin". It is one of the best known double stars in the sky, with the primary star being a yellow-white dwarf star, while the secondary star is an orange subgiant star.

Stellar components

The primary star (cataloged as Gamma1 Delphini) is a yellow-white dwarf star of the spectral type "F7V" and an apparent magnitude of 5.14. The star is though to have about 7.5 times more luminosity than the Sun. The secondary star (Gamma2 Delphini) is an orange subgiant star of the spectral type "K1IV" and an apparent magnitude of 4.27. This star is though to have about 16.5 times more luminosity than the Sun.

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