Archaic Southwest

Archaic Southwest

The Archaic Southwest is a term used to describe the culture of the southwestern United States between 6500 BC and 200 AD (approximately).

The Paleo-Indian tradition before that dates from 10,500 BC to 7500 BC. The Southwestern United States during the Archaic time frame can be identified or defined culturally in two separate ways:

# Agriculture, pottery styles and public architecture - People of the southwest had a variety of subsistence strategies, all using their own specific techniques. Crops included beans, maize, and squash.
# The absence of Formal Social Stratification, large cities, writing, and major architecture.

Archaic cultural traditions include:
# Sand-Dieguito-Pinto (6500BC-200AD)
# Oshara (5500BC-600AD)
# The Cochise (before 5000BC-200BC)
# Chihuahua (6000BC-250AD)

Many contemporary cultural traditions exist within the southwest, but there are four major ones.
# Yuman-speaking Peoples: They inhabit the Colorado River valley, the uplands, and Baja California.
# O'odham peoples: They inhabit Southern Arizona, and northern Sonora.
# Pueblo Indians: They inhabit areas in Arizona and New Mexico.
# Apache and the Navajo peoples: Their ancestral roots trace back to Athabaskan-speaking peoples in Canada. They probably entered the southwest during the 16th century.


Fagan, Brian M. Ancient North America. London: Thames and Hudson, Ltd., 2005

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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