Winnebago County, Wisconsin — Location in the state of Wisconsin … Wikipedia
Winnebago (Minnesota) — Winnebago Lage von Winnebago im Fari … Deutsch Wikipedia
Winnebago — Winnebago, 1) Grafschaft im Staate Illinois (Nordamerika), 23 QM., von dem Rock River u. dessen Nebenflüssen Pekatonika u. Kishwaukee Rivers durchflossen; hügelig mit schönen Prairien u. Waldungen; Producte: Mais, Weizen, Hafer, Rindvieh,… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Winnebago — Siouan people of eastern Wisconsin, 1766, from Potawatomi winepyekoha, lit. person of dirty water, in reference to the muddy or fish clogged waters of the Fox River below Lake Winnebago. As a type of motor vehicle, attested from 1966 … Etymology dictionary
Winnebago — Winnebago, großer See im nordamerikan. Staate Wisconsin, steht durch den Fox River mit dem Michigansee in Verbindung; der Stamm der W. es Indianer gehört zur Familie der Sioux … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
Winnebago,Lake — Winnebago, Lake A lake of eastern Wisconsin traversed by the Fox River. It is a popular recreation area. * * * … Universalium
Winnebago — Winnebago1 [win΄ə bā′gō] n. [< Fox wiinepyeekooha, lit., person of dirty water: with ref. to muddy waters of a nearby river: akin to WINNIPEG ] 1. pl. Winnebagos or Winnebagoes a member of a North American Indian people of E Wisconsin, now… … English World dictionary
Winnebago War — Causes of WarA treaty of peace had been signed at Prairie du Chien on August 19, 1825, by the terms of which all the common boundaries between the white settlers, the Winnebago, Potawatomi, Sioux, Sauk, Fox and other tribes, were defined. While… … Wikipedia
Winnebago County (Illinois) — Verwaltung US Bundesstaat: Illinois Verwaltungssitz: Rockford Adresse des Verwaltungssitzes: Winnebago County Court 401 Elm Street Rockford, IL 61101 Gründung: 16. Januar … Deutsch Wikipedia
Winnebago Pool — The Winnebago Pool is a collective name for a group of interconnected lakes in eastern Wisconsin. The Winnebago Pool includes Lake Winnebago, Big Lake Butte des Morts, Lake Poygan and Lake Winneconne. These lakes combined encompass over… … Wikipedia