Hori Tatsuo

Hori Tatsuo

Infobox Writer
name = Tatsuo Hori

caption = Hori Tatsuo
birthdate = birth date|1904|12|28|df=y
birthplace = Tokyo, Japan
deathdate = death date and age|1953|5|28|1904|12|28|df=y
deathplace = Tokyo, Japan
occupation = Writer
genre = Poetry, translations of French poetry
movement = Proletarian Literature Movement, modernism
notableworks =
influences =
influenced =
nihongo|Hori Tatsuo|堀 辰雄|Hori Tatsuo|extra=28 December 190428 May 1953 was a writer, poet, and translator in Showa period Japan.

Early life

Hori was born in Tokyo, and was a graduate of Tokyo Imperial University. While still a student, he contributed translations of modern French poets to a literary journal called "Roba", which was sponsored by poet Murō Saisei. He regarded himself as a disciple of Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, but his early works exhibit an attraction to the proletarian literary movement as viewed by his friends Nagai Tatsuo and Kobayashi Hideo. His later works reflect a movement towards modernism.

Literary career

Hori wrote a number of novelettes and poems, which are set in atmospheric locations, such as mountain sanatorium in Nagano Prefecture, and are characterized by the melancholic theme of death, which reflect his own ongoing battle with tuberculosis. Often plotless and impressionistic, his style was praised by Kawabata Yasunari.

Hori wrote "Yamatoji, " a small sentimental collection of poetic essays about Nara and its historic sites. This was followed by "Adashino", a tragic romance set in the Nara period. His beautiful descriptions of Nara and the world of the ancient capital have popularized by the tourist authorities in that city. Karuizawa, Nagano prefecture, where Hori stayed during his illness has erected a Hori Tatsuo Memorial Museum in his honor. His grave is at the Tama Reien, in the outskirts of Tokyo.

Major works

* "Sei Kazoku" (nihongo|The Saintly Family|聖家族, 1932)
* "Utsukushii Mura" (nihongo|Beautiful Village|美しい村, 1933)
* "Kaze Tachinu" (nihongo|The Wind Has Risen|風立ちぬ, 1936-37)
* "Kagerofu no Nikki" (nihongo|Diary Of Mayfly|かげろふの日記, 1937)
* "Naoko" (nihongo|Naoko|菜穂子, 1941)
* "Arano" (nihongo|Arano|曠野, 1941)
* "Younen Jidai" (nihongo|Childhood|幼年時代, 1942)

ee also

*Japanese literature
*List of Japanese authors


* Kojin, Karatani. "Origins of Modern Japanese Literature". Duke University Press (1993). ISBN 0822313235

External links

* [http://www.aozora.gr.jp/index_pages/person1030.html e-texts of works at] Aozora Bunko
* [http://www.town.karuizawa.nagano.jp/html/syakai/031_hor.html Hori Tatuo Memorial Museum, Kazuizawa, (Japanese site)]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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