Albín Brunovský

Albín Brunovský

Albín Brunovský (25 December 1935, Zohor, Czechoslovakia - 20 January 1997, Bratislava, Slovakia) was a Slovak painter, graphic artist, lithographer, illustrator and pedagogue, considered one of the greatest Slovak painters of the 20th century.


Albín Brunovský was born in Zohor, Czecholovakia on Christmas Day, December 25 in 1935. Brunovský started his early career in art by working on stage set and poster design. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava under Prof. Vincent Hložník from 1955 to 1961. Brunovský lectured at that Academy from 1966 to 1990. In 1981 he was appointed a professor, creating his own engraving school several years later. Brunovský's work often mirrored that of the modern movement, "citation art".

Brunovsky was also the designer of the last series of Czechoslovak banknotes. His illustrations were primarily for children's books.


"I have such a creative program that pushes me to work. My pictures are simply doing with me what they want. Sometimes I don't feel like working. But when I come to my studio and I notice, that one work is not ready and the other one hopeless, I go and sit next to them for a while and suddenly I realise that there is evening. And in this way every morning I let myself to be pleasantly abused by my paintings that allow me to dream." (Albin Brunovský)

[slovak talent of the communist era] "grew in the vegetables" (Albin Brunovsky) ["he uses] "nature and its elements to depict the reality of dreams" (Albin Brunovsky)"


*"The Meeting of Numismatists"
*"A Lady with a Hat"
*"Vernissage in Nature"
*ilustrations of "Modrá kniha rozprávok" - The Blue Book of Fairy Tales
*Czechoslovak banknotes
*seven pictures on walnut woods in the lobby of the new building of the National Council of the Slovak Republic

External links

* [ Brunovsky]
* [ Brunovsky (in Czech)]
* [ Brunovsky graphic works (English, Français, Nederlands)]

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