

Infobox Software
name = mwForum

caption = A default installation of mwForum 2.6
developer = Markus Wichitill
latest_release_version = 2.14.1
latest_release_date = 2008-04-24
programming_language = Perl, SQL
operating_system = Any
genre = Forum software
license = GPL
website = []

mwForum is an open source forum system. mwForum is based on Perl CGI scripts, uses a MySQL, PostgreSQL or SQLite database management system and is compatible with mod_perl 1.0 and 2.0 for optimal performance. mwForum's design goals are comfortable operation and administration, stability, security and speed, a professional and consistent look, and lean and clean code to make customization easy.


This is an overview of the main features of mwForum, not a complete list.

**Supports Perl CGI, mod_perl 1.x and 2.x.
**Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite databases
**Configurable via online form
**Valid HTML 4.01 Strict or XHTML 1.1
**Styling via CSS stylesheets, multiple user-selectable styles
**Language modules, user-selectable
**Unicode/UTF-8 support
**Searching, optionally with fulltext index
**Private messages with email notifications
**Chat page
**Atom and RSS feeds
**Database event log, with configurable log level
**Plugin interfaces: authen, authz, uploading, event, email, logging
**OpenPGP email encryption
**Focus on performance and security over feature-bloat
*Boards (sections inside the forum)
**Grouping by collapsible categories
**Email digest subscriptions
**Jump-to-board dropdown list
**Read access: everybody, registered users, specific users or groups
**Write access: everybody, registered users, specific users or groups
**Moderated boards where only approved posts are visible
**Anonymous posting by registered users
**Posting by unregistered users
**Threaded or unthreaded
**Polls, with single or multiple votes per poll
**Manual and auto-locking
**Email notifications for new replies
**Collapsible branches in threaded topics
**Moving and deleting of whole topics and topic branches
**Topic merging
**Topic icons
**Editing, with optional time limitation
**Quoting in good old email/news style
**Post preview
**Email reply notifications
**File attachments, with configurable size limit
**Reporting of rule-violating posts
**Personal ToDo lists of posts for later review
**Tracking of which posts are new/old in current session
**Tracking of which posts are unread/read independent of session
**Jumping from new/unread posts to next new/unread in threaded topics
**Overview pages containing all new and all unread posts, per board or for whole forum
**Smileys, with unobtrusive default images
**Markup [tags] with insertion buttons, no HTML for security reasons
**Configurable :tags: (for more smileys etc.)
**Auto-linking of URLs
**Censor words
**User info page with public profile
**Configurable user profile fields
**Avatars, uploaded and gallery, users can disable display
**Signatures, short & simple or long incl. markup, users can disable display
**User ignore function for private messages and public posts
**Admin-configurable user titles
**Ranks based on post count
**Display of newest and online users on main page
**Banning, per account or IP
**Auto-expiration, after x days absence and/or if never logged in
**Flood protection by x seconds pause between posts
**User list for admins, can display all user database fields
**User list for all users with public info
**User search for admins
**Bounced email filter
**GeoIP country detection
**Cookie-based and cookie-less login
**Group permissions

External links

* [ mwForum Homepage]
* [ mwForum Demo/Support Forum]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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