April 15, 2005

April 15, 2005

"See also": April 14, 2005 - April 2005 - April 16, 2005

* NASA reports that the Gulf Stream is slowing. The resulting colder climate could cause severe climatic and economic distruption in Northern Europe. [http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Newsroom/NasaNews/2004/2004041516838.html (NASA)]
* The ongoing anti-Japanese demonstrations in China might have been scripted and manipulated by the Chinese government as a bargaining tool against its neighbor in the recent Sino-Japanese energy and territory disputes. [http://www.nytimes.com/2005/04/15/international/asia/15china.html?ex=1114228800&en=56a7d2bc9637f864&ei=5070 ("NY Times")] (registration required). Personal announcements appeared on blogs [http://blog.yesky.com/Blog/somewindows/archive/2005/04/14/108080.html] [http://heart.pdx.cn/blog/diary,181320.html] attempting to stage massive anti-Japanese riots not only in the capital but also in 17 major Chinese cities, responding to the April 17 visit of the Japanese Foreign Minister to Beijing, and the 86th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement.
* UN Secretary General Kofi Annan accuses the United States and Britain of not accepting enough responsibility for the Oil for Food Scandal. [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4447165.stm (BBC)] [http://canberra.yourguide.com.au/detail.asp?class=news&subclass=international&category=general%20news&story_id=386604&y=2005&m=4 (Canberra)]
* A Palestinian Fatah gunman infiltrates the Golan Heights from Syria and attacks an IDF outpost near the border. The outpost commander manages to disarm the gunman and arrest him. The IDF will investigate how the 21 year old man, draped in a Palestinian flag, managed to penetrate so deep without being detected earlier. [http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/565532.html ("Haaretz")] (Link dead as of 02:40, 15 January 2007 (UTC)), [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4448233.stm (BBC)]
* A Human Rights Watch report states that the United States, Britain, the Netherlands and Canada rely on "flimsy" diplomacy in attempts to send foreign terror suspects back to countries that routinely use torture against their Prisoners. [http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/news/world/11401023.htm (AP Wire)]
* Soyuz TMA-6 lifts off at dawn from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan carrying the Expedition 11 crew to the International Space Station. [http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,153539,00.html (Fox News)] [http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20050415/wl_nm/space_russia_launch_dc (Yahoo! News)] (Link dead as of 02:40, 15 January 2007 (UTC))
* Prince Rainier is buried in Monaco. [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4446965.stm (BBC)] [http://edition.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/04/14/monaco.funeral/ (CNN)]
* In France, 20 people die in a fire at the Paris-Opera Hotel. [http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=worldNews&storyID=8190598 (Reuters)] (Link dead as of 02:40, 15 January 2007 (UTC)), [http://edition.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/04/15/france.fire/ (CNN)]
* In Australia, Raymond Williams, former CEO of insurance company HIH Insurance, is jailed for 4 and half years. [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/4447149.stm (BBC)]
* Canada's Federal Court of Appeal denies Chinese businessman Lai Changxing refugee status. China wants him for large-scale smuggling. [http://www.canada.com/national/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=10dbd00c-aee0-4926-bead-a4b49019622f ("National Post", Canada)] (Link dead as of 02:40, 15 January 2007 (UTC)) [http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2005-04/15/content_2833470.htm (Xinhua)]
* UK passport applicants must give fingerprints. Preparation for ID cards goes ahead without parliament. [http://politics.guardian.co.uk/homeaffairs/story/0,11026,1457298,00.html ("Guardian Unlimited")]
* Green Party of England and Wales unveil radical manifesto aiming at measures against climate change. [http://www.sciencedaily.com/upi/index.php?feed=Science&article=UPI-1-20050412-14461000-bc-britain-greenmanifesto.xml ("Science Daily")]
* France plans to introduce biometric ID cards in 2007. [http://www.infoworld.com/article/05/04/12/HNfrenchbiometriccards_1.html (Infoworld)]
* The European Union denies ruling out lifting an EU arms embargo on the People's Republic of China before June. [http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,5744,12868976%255E28737,00.html ("The Australian")]

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  • April 1, 2005 — See also March 31, 2005 April 2005 April 2, 2005 Actual news * Hamas and Islamic Jihad have declared, in principle, their intention to join the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO). [http://weekly.ahram.org.eg/2005/736/fr3.htm (Al Ahram)] * A… …   Wikipedia

  • April 14, 2005 — See also : April 13, 2005 April 2005 April 15, 2005 *Microsoft Encarta launches a Nupedia like version of its encyclopedia where anonymous users can submit their new or edited entries to be approved by a paid staff of editors. Server problems… …   Wikipedia

  • April 18, 2005 — See also : April 17, 2005 April 2005 April 19, 2005 * The largest moving object on Earth, the iceberg B15A in Antarctica has collided with the Drygalski ice tongue, a feature large enough to be included in Antarctic maps. During the collision, a… …   Wikipedia

  • April 4, 2005 — See also April 3, 2005 April 2005 April 5, 2005 * Israel is to begin dumping 10,000 tonnes of rubbish in the West Bank every month. Opponents say the move is a breach of international treaties and may also pollute the main Palestinian water… …   Wikipedia

  • April 24, 2005 — See also : April 23, 2005 April 2005 April 25, 2005 * About 1 million people march silently through Mexico City in support of the capital s embattled mayor, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. [http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000086… …   Wikipedia

  • April 19, 2005 — See also : April 18, 2005 April 2005 April 20, 2005 * George W. Bush s nomination of John R. Bolton for U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations receives a serious setback when Ohio senator George Voinovich announces in committee that he cannot vote …   Wikipedia

  • April 25, 2005 — See also : April 24, 2005 April 2005 April 26, 2005 April 25, 2005 was a Monday *Israeli Palestinian Conflict: Amnesty International has called on the Israeli government to investigate the poisoning of Palestinian land, allegedly by Israeli… …   Wikipedia

  • April 26, 2005 — See also : April 25, 2005 April 2005 April 27, 2005April 26, 2005 was a Tuesday *Israeli Palestinian Conflict: The Israeli soldier killed in the West Bank on Monday night was shot by his comrades. It was believed he was killed by an Unarmed Taxi… …   Wikipedia

  • April 30, 2005 — See also : April 29, 2005 April 2005 May 1, 2005 April 30, 2005 was a Saturday *Cairo terrorism: Tourists in the Egyptian capital Cairo are targeted in two separate terrorist attacks. [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle east/4501263.stm (BBC)] * U …   Wikipedia

  • April 28, 2005 — See also : April 27, 2005 April 2005 April 29, 2005 April 28, 2005 was a Thursday * Almost three months after the legislative election in Iraq, the National Assembly voted overwhelmingly to approve a Shi a led cabinet, establishing the first… …   Wikipedia

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