

Caiazzo (also Cajazzo) is a city in the province of Caserta (Campania) in Italy. It is located on the right bank of the Volturnus, some 20 km north-east of Capua.


The ancient Caiatia was already in the hands of the Romans in 306 BC, and since in the 3rd century BC it issued copper coins with a Latin legend it must have had the "civitas sine suffragio". In the Social War it rebelled from Rome, and its territory was added to that of Capua by Sulla. In the imperial period, however, we find it once more a "municipium". Caiazzo has remains of Cyclopean walls, and under the Piazza del Mercato is a large Roman cistern, which still provides a good water supply. The episcopal see was founded in AD 966. The place is frequently confused with Calatia.

Sister cities

Caiazzo has a sister relationship with the following city:flagicon|Germany Ochtendung, Germany, 1996

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