

The name Villehardouin may refer to:

* Villehardouin, a former commune of the Aube department, now part of Val-d'Auzon
*Geoffrey of Villehardouin, knight, crusader (Fourth Crusade), Marshal of Romania (the Latin Empire) and author of the "Chronicle of The Fourth Crusade and The Conquest of Constantinople"
*Geoffrey I of Villehardouin, nephew of Geoffrey of Villehardouin, knight, crusader who went to Palestine and later came to help William of Champlitte to conquer Morea, became Prince of Achaea after William's death.
*Geoffrey II of Villehardouin, prince of Achaea, first son of Geoffrey I Villehardouin
*William II of Villehardouin, the last Villehardouin prince of Achaea, son of Geoffrey I Villehardouin
*Princess Margaret of Villehardouin, Lady of Akova, daughter of William II Villehardouin
*Princess Isabella of Villehardouin, daughter of William II Villehardouin

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  • Villehardouin — Villehardouin, Geoffroi de …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Villehardouin — (Geoffroi de) (v. 1150 v. 1213) chroniqueur français. Maréchal de Champagne, il participa à la 4e croisade (1202 1204), dont il tenta de justifier les excès dans Histoire de la conquête de Constantinople (v. 1207) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Villehardouin, Geoffroi de — • Maréchal de Champagne, warrior, and first historian in the French language Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

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