The Realms of Loria

The Realms of Loria

"The Realms of Loria" is a free browser-based multi-player online roleplaying game, set in Loria, a medieval fantasy world.


Players slay enemies to gain valuable experience, which will allow them to advance to the next level in your profession (class).

Through the prefix/suffix system, there are many combinations of different weapon/armor names. For instance, a weapon can be something like: +24 Shadow Serrated Dwarven Double Axe, Bane of Higher Humanoid.


Each character class has strengths and weaknesses. There are sets of abilities and spells for each class, which you will discover as your character gains experience fighting anything from rats, all way up to dragons and wyrms. The available classes are:
* Fighter
* Mage
* Cleric, calling upon the gods as they do battle.
* Thief
* Psion
* Druid, a friend to all beasts and the land.

The Psion and Mage classes have five sub-classes each to choose from.


The Realms Of Loria is populated by a steadily growing number of players known as "Lorians". The in-game world of Loria has recently been expanded to roughly three times its previous size, with extra quests, locales and creatures. A team of full-time college students created and continue to expand this game in their free time.

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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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