- Kathleen de la Peña McCook
Kathleen de la Peña McCook is Distinguished University Professor at the
University of South Florida . She has also been on the faculties of the School of Library and Information Science atLouisiana State University and of the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at theUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign . She earned her MA at the Graduate Library School of theUniversity of Chicago , her MA in English atMarquette University and her PhD at theUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison . Her academic specializations includehuman rights ;social justice andlibrarianship ; libraries building communities;poverty andlibrary services; adultlifelong learning andliteracy ; theories of reading; libraries as cultural heritage institutions; and public librarianship.McCook has written for " Progressive Librarian, Public Libraries, Public Library Quarterly, Reference and User Services Quarterly, Library Quarterly,
Library Journal , American Libraries, Catholic Library World, Web Junction, Threshold, and Library Trends". She has contributed to, edited, and assisted with books; including "The Role of Women in Librarianship 1876-1976: The Entry, Advancement, and Struggle for Equalization in One Profession" (Oryx Press); "The Status of Women in Librarianship: Historical, Sociological and Economic Issues" (Neal-Schuman); "Career Profiles of Librarians" (American Library Association); "On Account of Sex: An Annotated Bibliography on the Status of Women in Librarianship 1977-1981" (with Katharine Phenix. American Library Association); "Librarians for the New Millennium" (American Library Association); "Occupational Entry: Library and Information Science Students' Attitudes, Demographics and Aspirations" (American Library Association); "Adult Services: an Enduring Focus for Public Libraries" (American Library Association); "Partners for Lifelong Learning: Public Libraries and Adult Education" (US Dept. of Education); "Library Services to Youth of Hispanic Heritage" (McFarland, 2000); "A Place at the Table: Participating in Community Building" (ALA Editions, 2000); and "Libraries & Democracy: The Cornerstones of Liberty" (ALA Editions, 2001),Introduction to Public Librarianship (Neal-Schuman, 2004).McCook facilitates the “Librarian-At-the-Kitchen-Table” and "Union Librarian" blogs. She is a past president of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (1987), recipient of the
American Library Association Achievement in Library Diversity Research Award, Beta Phi Mu Award, Elizabeth Futas Award, and Equality Award. Kathleen de la Peña McCook was alsoREFORMA ’s 2002 Latina Librarian of the Year. In 2007 she received the Florida Library Association, Lifetime Achievement Award. [http://www.flalib.org/previous_Award_Winners.html] .McCook is active in the
Tampa Bay , Florida area, having participated in the Community Action Board of Hillsborough County, and in an Asset Mapping for Youth Development community initiative. McCook is a community activist, a senator for the United Faculty of Florida union, and a past member of the Coordinating Committee of the Progressive Librarians Guild. She now serves on the editorial board of the journal, "Progressive Librarian".Kathleen de la Peña McCook. 8.15.2008.
External links
* [http://www.cas.usf.edu/lis/mccook/ Dr. Kathleen de la Peña McCook] ]
* [http://www.alise.org/ ALISE]
* [http://www.ala.org/ala/awardsbucket/betaphimuaward/betaphimurecipients.htm Beta Phi Mu Award]
* [http://www.libr.org/PL/25_Hudson.html Book Review of Introduction to Public Librarianship]
* [http://librarianoutreach.blogspot.com/ “A Librarian at the Kitchen Table” Blog]
* [http://unionlibrarian.blogspot.com/ "Union Librarian" Blog]
* [http://www.libr.org/PLG Progressive Librarians Guild]
* [http://www.reforma.org REFORMA]
* [http://w3.usf.edu/%7Euff/ United Faculty of Florida]
* [http://www.dom.edu/gslis/about.asp?schnav_id=2170&tschnav_id=10 McCusker Lecturer, Dominican University, 2003]
* [http://www.chipublib.org/003cpl/scholars/scholarsprog.html Chicago Public Library Scholar in Residence, 2003]
* [http://www.uic.edu/depts/lib/staff/commwork/lectures/nakata.shtml Nakata Lecturer, University of Illinois at Chicago.]
* [http://www.libr.org/pl/ Progressive Librarian]
* [http://hhptf.org/article/311/rusq-community-building-column-to-end Hunger, Homelessness & Poverty Task Force]
* [http://www.cathla.org/awards_brubaker.php John Brubaker Memorial Award]
* [http://librarian.lishost.org/ Librarian]References
*Association for Library and Information Science Education. (2003). ALISE History Page. Retrieved November 15, 2005 from http://www.alise.org/mc/page.do?sitePageId=55519&orgId=ali
*Kathleen de la Peña McCook. (2005). Retrieved November 4, 2005 from University of South Florida, School of Library and Information Science department Web site at http://www.cas.usf.edu/lis/mccook/
*Marquis Who’s Who. (2005). Kathleen de la Peña McCook. Retrieved November 4, 2005 from Biography Resource Center database at http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/BioRC
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.