- E-Detailing
"E-detailing" refers to the use of computer technology to enhance or bypass the pharmaceutical representative's traditional sales call to healthcare providers. (The traditional sales call is known as "detailing.")
Either internet based or loaded onto a tablet PC, an e-detail is an interactive presentation which is backed up by robust CRM systems to allow for a tailored marketing approach for every single customer. Internet based e-detailing is seen by some as a method to overcome the challenge sales reps face to secure physician meeting, the e-detail effectively replacing the face-to-face contact.
Tablet based e-detailing will be presented in much the same way as paper detail aids and require contact time, however the electronic detail aid is capable of providing interaction, video content, sound, and animation which are believed to increase engagement and therefore the messages have higher salience and retention.
As an e-detail is stored electronically, CRM systems can be used to select appropriate content depending on the physician data and can be used to track results. The format also allows for electronic storage of clinical papers, articles and so forth, which are then easily accessible when required.
The electronic detail aid also means that updates are much easier as they involve uploading new content and there is no requirement to re-print another version.
[ Wang A, Jung, J, "Effective E-detailing : Building trust and convenience into the physician relationship" IBM Institute for Business Value study. [http://www-935.ibm.com/services/us/index.wss/ibvstudy/imc/a1023445?cntxt=a1000407] ] Because it is an interactive medium, the belief is that the physician will be more engaged in the messages that she or he is exposed to and thus the message will have higher salience and retention.
There are a number of practitioners of e-detailing, in Europe, perhaps most prominently
Creative Lynx aManchester based creative agency who have won awards for their work in this field.In Austria the Medizin Medien Austria is the "golden standard" for pharmaceutical contents.
[http://www.e-detailing.at Medizin Medien Austria]
[http://www.agnitio.com/ Agnitio]
[http://www.activeweb.pl Activeweb Medical]
[http://www.meditailing.com/ Meditailing]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.