- Kinorhyncha
name = Kinorhynchs
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Kinorhyncha
phylum_authority = Reinhard, 1887
subdivision_ranks = Subdivisions
subdivision =OrderCyclorhagida
* Suborder Cyclorhagae
** FamilyEchinoderidae
** FamilyZelinkaderidae
** FamilyCentroderidae
** FamilyDracoderidae
* Suborder Conchorhagae
** FamilySemnoderidae
* Suborder Cryptorhagae
** FamilyCateriidae Order
* Suborder Homalorhagae
** FamilyPycnophyidae
** FamilyNeocentrophyidae Kinorhyncha (Gr. κίνηω, "kīneō" 'move' + ρυνχος, "rhynchos" 'snout') is a phylum of small (1 mm or less) marine pseudocoelomate
invertebrate s that are widespread in mud or sand at all depths as part of themeiobenthos . They are also called mud dragons.They are segmented, with a body consisting of a head, neck, and a trunk of eleven segments. They do not have external
cilia , but instead have a number of spines along the body, plus up to seven circles of spines around the head, [Brusca and Brusca, Invertebrates, pp. 347] which they use forlocomotion , withdrawing the head and pushing forward, then holding with the spines while drawing up the body. The spines are part of acuticle secreted by the epidermis; this is molted several times while growing to adulthood. The head is completely retractable, and is covered by a set of neck plates called placids when retracted.Kinorhynchs eat
diatoms and other things found in the mud.There are two sexes that look alike, and the
larvae are free-living, but little else is known of their reproductive process.Their closest relatives are thought to be the phyla
Loricifera andPriapulida . Together they constitute theScalidophora .The two groups of Kinorhynchs are still generally characterized as orders rather than classes, about 150 species are known.
External links
* [http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/phyla/ecdysozoa/cephalorhyncha.html Introduction to the Cephalorhyncha]
* [http://biodidac.bio.uottawa.ca/thumbnails/catquery.htm?maxrows_old=&StartRow=1&maxrows=8&kingdom=Animalia&phylum=Kinorhyncha Drawings of Kinorhyncha]
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