- Abies pindrow
name = Pindrow Fir
status = LR/lc
status_system = iucn2.3
image_width = 240px
image_caption = Pindrow Fir atNew York Botanical Garden
regnum =Plant ae
divisio =Pinophyta
classis = Pinopsida
ordo =Pinales
familia =Pinaceae
genus = "Abies"
species = "A. pindrow"
binomial = "Abies pindrow"
binomial_authority = (Royle ex D.Don) RoyleThe Pindrow Fir or West Himalayan Fir ("Abies pindrow") is a
fir native to the westernHimalaya and adjacent mountains, from northeastAfghanistan east through northernIndia to centralNepal . It grows at altitudes of 2,400-3,700 m in forests together withDeodar Cedar ,Blue Pine andMorinda Spruce , typically occupying cooler, moister north-facing slopes.It is a large
evergreen tree growing to 40-60 m tall, and with a trunk diameter of up to 2-2.5 m. It has a conical crown with level branches.The shoots are greyish-pink to buff-brown, smooth and glabrous (hairless). The leaves are needle-like, among the longest of any fir, 4-9 cm long, flattened in cross-section, glossy dark green above, with two whitish
stomata l bands on the underside; they are arranged spirally on the shoots, but twisted at the base to lie in a flat plane either side of the shoot. The cones are broad cylindric-conic, 7-14 cm long and 3-4 cm broad, dark purple when young, disintegrating when mature to release theseed s 5-7 months after pollination.The closely related
Gamble's Fir ("Abies gamblei", syn. "A. pindrow" var. "brevifolia", "A. pindrow" subsp. "gamblei") occurs in the same area but on somewhat drier sites; it differs in shorter leaves 2-4 cm long with less obvious stomatal bands and arranged more radially round the shoot. The cones are very similar.Pindrow Fir is used to a small extent for
timber and production in its native range. It is occasionally grown as an ornamental tree in largegarden s in westernEurope , but demands high humidity and rainfall to grow well. The name "pindrow" derives from the tree's name in Nepalese.References
* [http://www.conifers.org/pi/ab/pindrow.htm Gymnosperm Database: "Abies pindrow"]
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