

:"Wild tomato" redirects here. This is also used colloquially for other Solanaceae, some of them poisonous (see Other "wild tomatoes"">below)."Taxobox
name = "Solanum" sect. "Lycopersicon"

image_width = 240px
image_caption = Fruit of three cultivars of the common tomato ("Solanum lycopersicum")
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Magnoliopsida
ordo = Solanales
familia = Solanaceae
genus = "Solanum"
subgenus = see text
sectio = "Lycopersicon"
sectio_authority =
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = More than a dozen, see text

"Lycopersicon" was a genus in the flowering plant family Solanaceae (the nightshades and relative). It contains 13 confirmed species in the tomato group of nightshades; a few others might also belong here. First removed from the genus "Solanum" by Philip Miller in 1754, its removal leaves the latter genus paraphyletic, so modern botanists generally accept the names in "Solanum". The name "Lycopersicon" is still used by gardeners, farmers, and seed companies. Collectively, the species in this group apart from the common cultivated plant are called wild tomatoes.

Cladistic analysis of DNA sequence data confirms "Lycopersicon" as a clade that is part of a lineage of nightshades also including the potato ("S. tuberosum"). If it is desired to continue use of "Lycopersicon", it can be held as a section inside the potato-tomato subgenus whose name has to be determined in accordance with the ICBN.Solanaceae Source [2008] ]

elected species

Former specific names are cited if they have significantly changed when moving to "Solanum", are:

Arcanum group
* "Solanum arcanum" Peralta (= "Lycopersicon peruvianum" var. "humifusum" C.H.Mull.)
* "Solanum chmielewskii" (C.M.Rick, Kesicki, Fobes & M.Holle) D.M.Spooner, G.J.Anderson & R.K.Jansen
* "Solanum neorickii" D.M.Spooner, G.J.Anderson & R.K.Jansen (= "Lycopersicon parviflorum" C.M.Rick, Kesicki, Fobes & M.Holle)

Lycopersicon group
* "Solanum cheesmaniae" (L.Riley) Fosberg (= "Lycopersicon peruvianum" var. "parviflorum" Hook.f.)
* "Solanum galapagense" S.C.Darwin & Peralta (= "Lycopersicon cheesmaniae" f. "minor" (Hook.f.) C.H.Mull., "L. cheesmaniae" var. "minor" (Hook.f.) D.M.Porter, "L. esculentum" var. "minor" Hook.f.)
* "Solanum lycopersicum" L. – Tomato, Cherry tomato etc. (= "Lycopersicon cerasiforme", "L. lycopersicum" and many others)
* "Solanum pimpinellifolium" L. – Currant Tomato (= "Lycopersicon esculentum" ssp. "intermedium" Luckwill, "L. esculentum" ssp. "pimpinellifolium" (L.) Brezhnev in Zhukovskii, "L. esculentum" var. "racemigerum" (Lange) Brezhnev in Zhukovskii, "L. pissisi" Phil., "L. racemiforme" Lange, "L. racemigerum" Lange)

Eriopersicon group
* "Solanum chilense" (Dunal) Reiche (= "Lycopersicon atacamense" Phil., "L. bipinnatifidum" Phil., "L. peruvianum" ssp. "puberulum" (Phil.) Luckwill, "L. puberulum" Phil.)
* "Solanum corneliomulleri" J.F.Macbr. (= "Lycopersicon glandulosum" C.H.Mull.)
* "Solanum habrochaites" S.Knapp & D.M.Spooner (= "Lycopersicon agrimoniifolium" Dunal in DC., "L. hirsutum" Dunal)
* "Solanum huaylasense" Peralta
* "Solanum peruvianum" L. – Peruvian Nightshade (= "Lycopersicon commutatum" (Spreng.) Roem. & Schult., "L. dentatum" Dunal, "L. regulare" Dunal)

Neolycopersicon group
* "Solanum pennellii" Correll

Other "wild tomatoes"

Colloquially, wild tomato is used for several unrelated "Solanum" species with tomato-like fruit or leaves. The term is inaccurate and may be dangerous, as some of these species may be fatally poisonous:
* "Physalis angulata" (Cut-leaved Groundcherry)
* "Solanum carolinense" (Carolina Horsenettle)
* "Solanum quadriloculatum" (a "bush tomato" of Australia)
* "Solanum wallacei" (Wallace's Nightshade)and others



*: (2005): New Species of Wild Tomatoes ("Solanum" Section "Lycopersicon": Solanaceae) from Northern Peru. "Systematic Botany" 30(2): 424-434.
* [2008] : [ Phylogeny] . Retrieved 2008-OCT-01.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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