Lew Landers

Lew Landers

Lew Landers (January 2, 1901-December 16, 1962) was probably one of the American film industry's most prolific directors. He began making films in the 1930s, one of his first was the Boris Karloff/Bela Lugosi film "The Raven" (1935). Landers directed many different kinds of movies including Westerns, comedy and horror films. He worked for every major film studio during his over 150 films. He was billed under his real name of Louis Friedlander during his first year at Universal in the 1930s. Later in his career in the 1950s he worked on television including two episodes of "Adventures of Superman" that were shot in black and white in under a week.

External links

* [http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=11717970&pt Find-A-Grave profile for Lew Landers]

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