

"Guaimura" (or more commonly "Guaymuras") refers to a name the Spaniard gave to a part of the Central American country of Honduras. Columbus mentions a town named "Guaymuras" near Trujillo. In his "Brevíssima relación de la destruyción de las Indias" (written in 1542), Bartolomé de Las Casas writes (in talking about Hernan Cortes):

:(he) sent, to the properous kingdoms, full of people, which were the kingdom of Guatemala, which is on the southern sea, and the other Naco and Honduras or Guaimura, which is on the northern sea, one hemmed in by the other, and both 2-300 leagues from Mexico...

Other common names for the territory now known as the country of Honduras included Honduras and Higueras. See the entry on Honduras for additional discussion.

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* text of the Brevissima Relación containing the Guaimura reference.

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