- Eriophyllum
image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Eriophyllum confertiflorum"
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
ordo =Asterales
familia =Asteraceae
tribus =Heliantheae
genus = "Eriophyllum"
genus_authority = Lag.
subdivision_ranks = Species
subdivision = See text."Eriophyllum", commonly known as the woolly sunflower, is a
genus of annual or herbaceous perennial plant native to westernNorth America , with a concentration of narrow endemics in theCalifornia Floristic Province ."Eriophyllum" species are used as food plants by the
larva e of someLepidoptera species including "Phymatopus californicus".Morphology
Each of the 14 species members in the genus "Eriophyllum" possesses the following general characteristics. Leaves present generally alternate and entire to nearly compound. The
inflorescence manifests heads that somewhat radiate and has clusters that are generally flat-topped; theinvolucre structure isobconic to hemispheric. Phyllaries are either free or more or less fused; the receptacle presents typically flat, but naked. The ray flowers have yellowligule s entire to lobed. The corolla is also yellow.Fruit s manifest as angled in the outer flowers, but are generally club-shaped for the inner flowers; the pappus is somewhat jagged. [Mooring, Madroño 38:213–226, (1991)]pecies
*"E. ambiguum": Beautiful woolly sunflower
*"E. confertiflorum":Golden Yarrow
*"E. congdonii": Congdon's woolly sunflower
*"E. jepsonii": Jepson's woolly sunflower
*"E. lanatum":Common woolly sunflower
*"E. latilobum": San Mateo woolly sunflower
*"E. mohavense": Mojave woolly sunflower
*"E. multicaule": Manystem woolly sunflower
*"E. nevinii": Nevin's woolly sunflower
*"E. nubigenum": Yosemite woolly sunflower
*"E. pringlei": Pringle's woolly sunflower
*"E. stoechadifolium": Seaside woolly sunflower
*"E. wallacei" syn. "Antheropeas wallacei": Woolly EasterbonnetsReferences
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