- Echium
name = "Echium"
image_width = 240px
image_caption = "Echium vulgare "
regnum =Plant ae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis =Magnoliopsida
familia =Boraginaceae
genus = "Echium"
genus_authority = L.
subdivision_ranks =Species
subdivision = See text."Echium" is a
genus of 60species offlowering plant in the familyBoraginaceae . Thetype species is "Echium vulgare",viper's bugloss . Species of "Echium" are native toNorth Africa ,Southern Africa ,Europe ,Madeira and theCanary Islands , as well as parts ofEast Asia . One species, "Echium plantagineum" (Patterson's Curse ), is a majorinvasive species inAustralia . Many species are used as ornamental and garden plants and may be found in suitable climates throughout the world."Echium" species are used as food plants by the
larva e of someLepidoptera species including "Coleophora onosmella" andOrange Swift .pecies
Echium acanthocarpum " Svent.
*"Echium aculeatum " Poir.
*"Echium albicans " Lag. & Rodr.
*"Echium angustifolium " Lam.
*"Echium arenarium " Guss.
*"Echium asperrimum " Lam.
*"Echium auberianum " Webb et Berth.
*"Echium bethencourtii " Santos
*"Echium boissieri " Steudel
*"Echium bonnetii " Coincy
*"Echium brevirame " Sprague et Hutch.
*"Echium callithyrsum " Webb ex Bolle
*"Echium candicans " L. fil. : Pride of Madeira
*"Echium creticum " L.
*"Echium decaisnei " Webb
*"Echium flavum " Desf.
*"Echium gaditanum " Boiss.
*"Echium gentianoides "
*"Echium giganteum " L. fil.
*"Echium handiense " Svent.
*"Echium humile " Desf.
*"Echium italicum " L. : Pale Viper's-bugloss
*"Echium lancerottense " Lems et Holz.
*"Echium leucophaeum " Webb ex Sprague et Hutch.
*"Echium lusitanicum " L.
*"Echium marianum " Boiss.
*"Echium nervosum " Dryand. in W.T. Aiton
*"Echium parviflorum " Moench : Small-flowered Viper's-bugloss
*"Echium pavonianum " Boiss.
*"Echium pininana " Webb et Berth. : Giant Viper's-bugloss
*"Echium plantagineum " L. : Purple Viper's-bugloss, Patterson's Curse
*"Echium pustulatum " Sibth. & Sm.
*"Echium rosulatum " Lange : Lax Viper's-bugloss
*"Echium russicum " J.F.Gmel.
*"Echium sabulicola " Pomel
*"Echium salmanticum " Lag.
*"Echium simplex " DC.
*"Echium strictum " L.f.
*"Echium sventenii " Bramw.
*"Echium tuberculatum " Hoffmanns. & Link
*"Echium virescens " DC. : Tower of Jewels
*"Echium vulgare " L : Viper's Bugloss
*"Echium webbii " Coincy
*"Echium wildpretii " Pears. ex Hook. fil.
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