

Shashi can refer to:


*Shashi Deshpande, an award-winning Indian novelist
*Shashi Isaac, a football player from Saint Kitts & Nevis
*Shashi Kapoor, an Indian film actor and producer
*Shashi Nambisan, Indian born director of the Center for Transportation Research and Education at Iowa State University
*Shashi Bhushan Sahai, an Indian author and member of the Indian Police Service
*Shashi Shrestha, a Nepalese politician
*Shashi Tharoor, an Indian bureaucrat in the United Nations and author
*Shashi Warrier, an Indian author


*Shashi District, of Jingzhou, Hubei in the People's Republic of China

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  • Shashi District — is a district in Jingzhou, Hubei, China. The nearest cities are Jingmen, Shiyan and Wuhan. Shashi is one of the 200 major cities of China, with a population of around 500,000.The district is experiencing ecological problems due to its metal and… …   Wikipedia

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  • Shashi Deshpande — (b.1938), is an award winning Indian novelist. She is the second daughter of famous Kannada dramatist and writer Shriranga. She was born in Karnataka and educated in Bombay (now Mumbai) and Bangalore. Deshpande has degrees in Economics and Law.… …   Wikipedia

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