Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryū

Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryū

refimprove=September 2007
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technical=September 2007

infobox koryu
nationality = Traditional Japanese martial art flagicon|JPN
school = Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryū

imagesize = 300px
imagecaption =
founder = Matsumoto Bizen-no-Kami Naokatsu
(松本 備前守 尚勝)
founder dates = c. 14671524
period founded = Late Muromachi period (13361573)
date founded = c. 1570
location = flagicon|Japan Kashima, Japan
headmaster = Iwasa, Kyoushyusai (Souhonbu, Honbuchou)
headmaster dates = Various lineages are still extant and taught
art1 = "Kenjutsu" – "ōdachi" and "kodachi"
description1 = Sword art – long and short sword
ancestors = Kage-ryū (Aizu)Yagyū Shinkage-ryū
descendants = Daitō-ryūShindō Yōshin-ryūShintō Musō-ryū

nihongo|Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryū|鹿島神傳直心影流, often referred to simply as Jikishinkage-ryū or Kashima Shinden, is a traditional school ("koryū") of the Japanese martial art of swordsmanship ("kenjutsu"). The school was founded in the mid-sixteenth century, based upon older styles of swordsmanship, and is one of the few ancient Japanese martial arts schools still existing today. [http://www.koryu.com/store/book1.html Koryu Bujutsu: Classical Warrior Traditions of Japan, volume 1] by Skoss, Diane (Editor). New Jersey, [http://www.koryu.com/ Koryu Books] , 1997. ISBN 1890536040.] [http://www.koryu.com/guide/jikishinkage.html Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryu] . [http://www.koryu.com/ Koryu Books] , 2002.] [http://www.koryu.com/photos/kjjiki1.html Jikishinkage-ryu kenjutsu] . [http://www.koryu.com/ Koryu Books] , 2002.] ja icon [http://www.budovideos.com/shop/customer/product.php?productid=20968 Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryu. The Origin of Samurai-Swordsmanship from KASHIMA SHRINE, The God of BUSHIDO KASHIMA - A Symbol of Justice by the Sword.] by Masaru Iwasa. Japan, [http://www.samuraibushidosociety.com/ SAMURAI-BUSHIDO SOCIETY] , 2005, hardcover. ISBN 4900785245.] ja icon Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryū 鹿島神傳直心影流 by Yamada Jirōkichi 山田 次朗吉. Suishinsha, hardcover, 1927.] ja icon Kashima Shinden Jiki Shinkage-ryū Gokui Denkai『鹿島神伝直心影流極意伝開』by Ishigaki Yasuzō 石垣安造. Japan, Tōkyō, Shinjusha 新樹社, 1992, hardcover. ISBN4-7875-8407-3.] [ja icon [http://www.budovideos.com/shop/customer/product.php?productid=16410 Jiki Shinkage-ryū Kenjutsu with Omori Sogen.] Japan, Nihon Kobudo series, filmed during the 1970's by the Japanese Ministry of Education in a series on many of the traditional koryū. DVD, 2005.]

Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryū can be translated as the "divinely transmitted, honest reflection of the heart, school of Kashima."

By repetitive practice, one maintains a constant connection with the cosmos by aspiring to "unwavering intention" or jikishin (直心) and "perfect clarity of mind" or seimeishin (生命心) like a cloudless sky on a brilliant sunny day. A practitioner who has attained heightened jikishin and seimeishin is said to have an "immovable heart" or fudōshin (不動心). [http://int.kateigaho.com/list_21.html KATEIGAHO International Edition (KIE), JAPAN'S ARTS & CULTURE, 2008 WINTER ISSUE VOL. 18, Mastering Budo] by [http://www.sekaibunka.com SEKAI BUNKA PUBLISHING INC.] . Tokyo, Japan, magazine, 2008, pages 70 - 73. ISBN 9784418071432.]


The Jikishinkage-ryū style descends from the "kenjutsu" styles developed in the late Muromachi period which overlaps the early Sengoku period, or better dated as late fifteenth or early sixteenth century, at the Kashima Shrine by the founder, Matsumoto Bizen-no-Kami Naokatsu (松本 備前守 尚勝, 1467–1524). The direct predecessors of the Jikishinkage-ryū style are the Shinkage-ryū and the Kage-ryū (Aizu) styles.

The Jikishin Kage-ryū Kenjutsu comes from a previous school, Kage-ryū Kenjutsu. A samurai called Aizu Iko founded Kage-ryū in 1490.Fact|date=March 2007 He perfected, and taught his style around Japan. There are evidence from 1525, that another samurai, Kumizume Ise no Kami Nobutsuno (1508-1548) is teaching his own style, a form of Kage-ryū kenjutsu. He called it Shinkage-ryū (the school of the new shadow). Jikishin Kage-ryū means 'the newest school of the ancient shadow'. He was denoting with the name, to the ancestors, and expressing respect to his former masters. Matsumoto Bizen no Kami Naukatsu was a famous master of this school, he also founded his own school first called Kashima Shinryū, then Kashima Shinden Jiki Shinkage-ryū. These schools can be found even today all around the world. There are more variations like Jikishin Kage-ryū, Seito Shinkage-ryū, etc.

During the 19th century, Jiki Shinkage-ryū was one of the most popular schools of combative swordsmanship (kenjutsu) in eastern Japan, especially in the Edo area. The 14th headmaster of Jikishin Kage-ryū Kenjutsu--Kenkichi Sakakibara--was one of the most well-known swordsmen of his time, and the personal bodyguard of the Shogun. [cite article
last = Hiiragi
first = Takefumi
title = Famous Swordsmen of Japan (1): Kenkichi Sakakibara
publisher = Aikido Journal
date = 1994
url = http://www.aikidojournal.com/article.php?articleID=160

Sakakibara had hundreds of students during his lifetime, many of them rising to the "rank" of menkyo kaiden (免許皆伝) and shihan (師範), thus able to pass on the full tradition. His most talented disciple was Yamada Jirōkichi from whom the Seito-ha (正統派), which means main line system or traditional school, and many branch lines were derived. (Watatani and Yamada, Bugei ryuha daijiten, 1978:155-156, list 20 menkyo kaiden successors under Sakakibara.)

A less well-known, but highly skilled, menkyo kaiden ranked student was Matsudaira Yasutoshi, who, like Yamada, studied the more traditional ways of Jikishin Kage-ryū. The best apprentice of Yasutoshi was Makita Shigekatsu, a young man from a samurai family from Hokkaidō. His name, and Jikishin Kage-ryū became famous on the northern island in the times of the Japanese civil war in 1868.Fact|date=March 2007 By sword fighting, he was an expert of kyudo, Japanese archery.Fact|date=March 2007 He was the heir of the title of shihan (successor) of Jiki Shinkage-ryū, but unfortunately he was fighting a losing battle against the Emperor in the revolution. The cast of the samurai was disbanded, and he had to run. Later, he returned to Hokkaidō, and opened his own dōjō, called Jikishin Kan Dōjō. He was teaching various martial arts, not just kenjutsu. His dōjō was popular, in spite of the prohibition of the katana in 1876.Fact|date=March 2007

After Shigekatsu's death, the village of Atsuta raised a black granite obelisk in his memory. This memorial can be seen today. The family tradition has been taken by his grandson, Kimiyoshi Suzuki. Kimiyoshi is also a master of Goju-ryu Karate and Jikishin Kage-ryū Kenjutsu.Fact|date=March 2007

There were many other famous practitioners of Jiki Shinkage-ryū under Sakakibara who did not reach the highest levels of the system and consequently were not named as successors. Perhaps the most famous of these was Sokaku Takeda, founder of Daitō-ryū Aiki-jūjutsu. In contrast, some writers have claimed that other famous historical personages such as Muso Gonnosuke were in the line of transmission of Jiki Shinkage-ryu. However, Gonnosuke was never in the direct lineage of Jiki Shinkage-ryu.


The Jikishinkage-ryū style has many differences when compared to modern kendō. We can readily point out the different footwork and breathing:
* The "unpō" (運法) is the footwork used in the Jikishinkage-ryū style and can be translated as "law, rule or method (for) transporting, conveying or carrying ('walking')". Unlike the "suriashi" of modern kendo, it is stressed that both feet stay firmly planted on the ground at all times.
* Every kata (形) has two distinct roles called the "striking/attacking sword" uchidachi (打太刀) and the "doing/receiving sword" shidachi (受太刀).
* The kiai (気合) consists not only of the shouting, like most martial arts, but of the proper way of inhaling and state of mind as well.
* The synchronous deep breathing Aum () (or a-un) with one's partner which accompanies most movements.
* The kamihanen (上半円, upper semicircle) and shimohanen (下半円, lower semicrcle) (also called "jo han en" and "ge han en") are unconventional waza (techniques) of this style. Roughly, the swordsman draws a semicircle (upwards or downwards) with both his right hand (holding the sword), and his left hand (free). He finishes the movement with his arms extended, the sword pointing upwards, and the free hand's index finger pointing downwards. These movements can be considered as a "greeting" and a form of meditation, and are usually executed in the beginning and end of a kata or suburi (素振り) session. They represent all the things in heaven and all the things in earth, and the practitioner in the center of everything.
* The morōde (両腕, both arms) movement in which uchidachi raises with both arms the sword of shidachi to jōdan and receives the subsequent uchikomi with the side of the blade. This results in thrusting the left arm forwards and turning both arms outwards to allow to absorb shidachi's cut.

Jikishinkage-ryū exponents train with both ōdachi (大太刀) and kodachi (小太刀) (but not both at once).


Kenjutsu was practiced in a thick kimono (keikoga) in the old times. It was needed for protection, though it was sometimes still not enough. Practices are far less dangerous nowadays, the standard clothes in kenjutsu are normal keikogi (稽古着) and hakama (袴). Preferably all pieces are in the same colour of dark blue or, when one seriously dedicates the practice to the kami (神), in white. To prevent treading on the hakama when moving in a low position, the hakama is raised a bit by neatly folding the left and right outside front pleats up under the straps which are tied around the waist, before training commences. It is possible to wear tabi (足袋) when necessary.

For outdoor practice, jika-tabi (地下足袋) are worn. As uchidachi always faces sun, this role can be very blinding, but it is not allowed to wear sunglasses or hats. However, in extremely cold conditions one can wear a hat (without sun reflector) and other extra protective clothing. When one has not enough hair or eyebrows or in extreme hot conditions, one can wear a tenugui (手拭い) or hachimaki (鉢巻) to prevent sweat irritating the eyes or to keep hair out of the face. Note that tabi and jiki-tabi should preferably match the colour of the hakama.

It is prohibited to wear jewellery and the like as is custom in many martial arts. This rule is to prevent injuries to oneself and practicing partner as it is to prevent excessive display of ego and unneeded distractions.

Some practitioners wear aikidogi (合気道着) or karategi (空手着). In some groups beginners wear white obi (帯), intermediates wear blue and brown obi and those who successfully completed their exam for 1st dan can wear black obi with hakama. Others practice in hakama without colored obi.


The following licenses exist the Seito-ha (main line recognized by Kashima Shrine).

Traditional Kata

The following five classical or orthodox kata are the only ones practiced in Japan today and were established in this order by the time of Yamada Heizaemon Ippusai in the late 1600s. [ja icon [http://www.kashimashindenjikishinkageryu.com/kata.html 鹿島神傳直心影流] Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryu - Official site describing the five kata] In stead of the extension 'no kata', the kata in Yamada's book have the extension 'no bu' (之部), which means "section (of this book)".


The Hōjō no kata (法定之形) is the first classic kata of the Jikishinkage-ryū style and can be translated as "laws, rules or methods ('principals') (which are) definitive, crucial or stable ('fundamental')". Both the shidachi and the uchidachi usually use wooden swords, bokken (木剣) or bokutō (木刀), although real swords, shinken (真剣), can be used as well.

The Hōjō no kata is composed of 4 stages, also called seasons, namely Spring (haru no tachi), Summer (natsu no tachi), Autumn (aki no tachi) and Winter (fuyu no tachi) in order of execution. Each season containing from 6 – 8 "waza" (movement). Before each season is executed the kamihanen, and after each season, the shimohanen.

The themes of the four seasons refer to universal principles which also express themselves in other manifestations.Fact|date=March 2007 Some of these are listed in the table below.

Present day practice

Places where groups practicing Jikishinkage-ryū Kenjutsu can be found today:

Lineage of Ōmori Sogen is indicated with †. Lineage of Matsudaira Yasutoshi via Suzuki Kimiyoshi is indicated with ‡. Lineage of Namiki Yasushi via Masatomi Ikeda is indicated with ♦. Lineage of Namiki Yasushi via Hideki Hosokawa is indicated with •. Only Hōjō kata is indicated with *.


External links

*ja icon [http://www.kashimashindenjikishinkageryu.com 鹿島神傳直心影流] Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryu - Hyakuren Kai Official Site
*ja icon [http://jikishinkageryu.com 鹿島神傳直心影流] Kashima Shinden Jikishinkage-ryu

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