- Quartz-porphyry
Quartz-porphyry, in
petrology , is the name given to a group of hemi-crystal lineacid rocks containingporphyritic crystals ofquartz in a fine-grained matrix, usually of micro-crystalline orfelsitic structure. In specimens, the quartz appears as small rounded, clear, greyish,vitreous blebs, which are crystals, doublehexagon alpyramid s, with their edges and corners rounded by resorption or corrosion.Under the
microscope they are often seen to contain rounded enclosures of the ground-mass or fluid cavities, which are frequently negative crystals with regular outlines resembling those of perfect quartz crystals. Many of the latter contain liquidcarbonic acid and a bubble of gas which may exhibit vibratile motion under high magnifying powers.Variants
In addition to quartz there are usually
phenocryst s offeldspar , mostlyorthoclase , though a varying amount ofplagioclase is often present. The feldspars are usually full and cloudy from the formation of secondarykaolin andmuscovite throughout their substance. Their crystals are larger than those of quartz and sometimes attain a length of two inches.Not uncommonly scales of
biotite are visible in the specimens, being hexagonal plates, which may beweathered into a mixture ofchlorite andepidote .Common Minerals
Apatite ,magnetite , andzircon , all in small but frequently perfect crystals, are almost universal minerals of the quartz-porphyries. The ground-mass is finely crystalline and to the unaided eye has usually a dull aspect resembling commonearthenware ; it is grey, green, reddish or white. Often it is streaked or banded byfluxion during cooling, but as a rule these rocks are notvesicular .Two main types may be recognized by means of the microscope; the felsitic and the microcrystalline. In the former the ingredients are so fine-grained that in the thinnest slices they cannot be determined by means of the microscope. Some of these rocks show perlitic or spherulitic structure, and such rocks were probably originally
glass y (obsidian s orpitchstone s), but by lapse of time and processes of alteration have slowly passed into very finely crystal-line state. This change is called devitrification; it is common in glasses, as these are essentially unstable. A large number of the finer quartz-porphyries are also in some degree silicified of impregnated by quartz,chalcedony andopal , derived from thesilica set free by decomposition (kaolinization) of the original feldspar. This re-deposited silica forms veins and patches of indefinite shape or may bodily replace a considerable area of the rock by metasomatic substitution. The opal is amorphous, the chalcedony finely crystalline and often arranged in spherulitic growths which yield an excellent black cross inpolarized light . The microcrystalline ground-masses are those which can be resolved into their component minerals in thin slices by use of the microscope. They prove to consist essentially of quartz and feldspars, which are often in grains of quite irregular shape (microgranitic).In other cases these two minerals are in graphic intergrowth, often forming radiate growths of spherulites consisting of fibers of extreme tenuity; this type is known as granophyric. There is another group in which the matrix contains small rounded or shapeless patches of
quartz in which many rectangularfeldspar s are embedded; this structure is called micropoikilitic, and though often primary is sometimes developed by secondary changes which involve the deposit of new quartz in the ground-mass. As a whole those quartz-porphyries which have microcrystalline ground-masses are rocks of intrusive origin. Elvan is a name given locally to the quartz-porphyries which occur as dikes inCornwall ; in many of them the matrix contains scales of colorlessmuscovite or minute needles of bluetourmaline .Fluorite andkaolin appear also in these rocks, and the whole of these minerals are due to pneumatolytic action by vapors permeating the porphyry after it had consolidated but probably before it had entirely cooled. Many ancientrhyolitic quartz-porphyries show on their weathered surfaces numerous globular projections. They may be several inches in diameter, and vary from this size down to a minute fraction of an inch. When struck with ahammer they may detach readily from the matrix as if their margins were defined by a fissure. If they are broken across their inner portions are often seen to be filled with secondary quartz,chalcedony oragate : some of them have a central cavity, often with deposits of quartzcrystal s; they also frequently exhibit a succession of rounded cracks or dark lines occupied by secondary products. Rocks having these structures are common in northWales andCumberland ; they occur also inJersey , theVosges andHungary . It has been proposed to call them pyromerides.Much discussion has taken place regarding the origin of these spheroids, but it is generally admitted that most of them were originally
spherulites , and that they have suffered extensive changes throughdecomposition andsilicification . Many of the olderquartz -porphyries which occur inPaleozoic andPre-Cambrian rocks have been affected by earth movements and have experienced crushing and shearing. In this way they becomeschistose , and from theirfeldspar minute plates of sericitic whitemica are developed, giving the rock in some cases very much of the appearance of mica-schists. If there have been nophenocryst s in the original rock, very perfect mica-schists may be produced, which can hardly be distinguished fromsedimentary schists, thoughchemical ly somewhat different on account of the larger amounts ofalkali s whichigneous rock s contain. When phenocrysts were present they often remain, though rounded and dragged apart while the matrix flows around them. The glassy orfelsitic enclosures in the quartz are then very suggestive of an igneous origin for the rock. Such porphyry-schists have been called porphyroids or porphyroid-schists, and in theUnited States the name aporhyolite has been used for them. They are well known in some parts of theAlps ,Westphalia , Charnwood (England ), andPennsylvania . The halleflintas ofSweden are also in partacid igneous rocks with a well-banded schistose or granulitic texture. The quartz-porphyries are distinguished from therhyolite s by being eitherintrusive rock s orPalaeozoic lava s. AllTertiary acid lavas are included under rhyolites. The intrusive quartz-porphyries are equally well described asgranite -porphyries.Other Minerals
Other porphyritic
mineral s are few, buthornblende ,augite andbronzite are sometimes found, andgarnet ,cordierite and muscovite may also occur.The garnets are small, of rounded shape and red or brownish color; in some cases they appear to have been
corrode d or absorbed.Cordierite forms six-sided prisms with flat ends; these divide, between crossed nicols, into six triangular areas radiating from a center, as the crystals, which belong to the
rhombic system, are not simple but consist of three twins interpenetrating and crossing. In the vast majority of cases the cordierite has weathered to an aggregate of scaly chlorite and muscovite; this is known as pinite and is or dark green color and very soft. The quartz-porphyries or elvans which occur as dikes inCornwall andDevon frequently contain this mineral.The augite and hornblende of these rocks are in most cases green, and are frequently decomposed into chlorite, but even then can usually be identified by their shape. A colorless rhombic
pyroxene (enstatite or bronzite) occurs in a limited number of the rocks of this group and readily weathers to bastite.
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