Lauren Dyer Amazeen

Lauren Dyer Amazeen

Lauren Dyer Amazeen (born 1951) formed Vanguard Visions Inc. in 1997 in New York City. She has spent the past 20 years working with and writing about visionary artists and creative thinkers whose work transforms the way we perceive culture and the human experience.

Since 2000, she has been based in Stockholm where she is an art critic and freelance writer, as well as executive producer of Vanguard Visions. She is the Stockholm correspondent for tema celeste contemporary arts magazine and arts and culture contributor to The Swedish Bulletin. She is a member of the Swedish Society of Art Critics.

In the 90's, as Executive Director of The Kitchen in New York City, she worked with artists to develop their work for larger and more diverse audiences: Kitchenette - a video annex in SoHo to exhibit video art and installations; The American Laboratory - a residency program at Bennington College for the creation of collaborative multi disciplinary work for the 21st Century; New Media - international collaborations using new technologies, in particular ISDN technology and multi media (including world premier of the Virtual Abbey - a multi-site collaboration between New York and le Thoronet Abbey in France using acoustic transportation and featuring David Hykes and the Harmonic Choir, as well as a multi-site concert with the band Future Sound of London); New Opera - commissioned and developed multi media works for the 21st Century; Kitchen Residency - program individually tailored for select artists to create, develop and present new works for larger audiences. Director's Projects -- developed a multi media studio theater, with an installation gallery and video editing suite; produced a series of high profile benefit concerts throughout city featuring artists Robert Wilson, Philip Glass, Laurie Anderson, Steve Reich, Allen Ginsberg, Eric Bogosian, Suzanne Vega, Kronos Quartet, John Cale, Ron Vawter, David Hykes, Glenn Branca and Meredith Monk.

Published:"The Kitchen Video Collection: Two decades of the Video Vanguard and The Kitchen Turns 20."

In the 1980s she worked with the founders of the ZKM (center for art and media technology) in Karlsruhe, Germany designing a model to bring artists and technologies together.

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  • Acoustic transportation — is a process that was developed by John Maxwell Hobbs and David Hykes.In 1995, Hobbs and Hykes worked together with Lauren Dyer Amazeen, Michel Redolphi and Luc Martinez to created the Virtual Abbey. The Virtual Abbey was the first realization of …   Wikipedia

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