

French commune
name= Bruay-la-Buissière
canton= Bruay-la-Buissière (chef-lieu)
maire=Alain Wacheux
intercomm=communauté d'agglomération de l'Artois
alt moy=98 m
alt mini=30 m
alt maxi=106 m

Bruay-la-Buissière is a commune and chief town of a canton in the Pas-de-Calais "département" in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France.


An ex-coalmining town some convert|6|mi|km|1 southwest of Béthune and convert|30|mi|km|1 southwest of Lille, at the junction of the D57 and the N47 roads.


The two places of Bruay-en-Artois and La Buissiere were joined as one commune in 1987.With 4 coal mines, it was the headquarters of the mining company. The coal mines closed during the 1960s, to be replaced by light industrial work and chemical factories.


Places of interest

* The Hotel de Ville (Town Hall), 47m tall and built in 1927. The windows recount scenes from the lives of miners.
* The Art Deco swimming pool, built in 1936 (the last remaining Art Deco pool open to the public)
* The Museum of mining.
* The Church of Saint Martin, dating from the 15th century, was expanded and renovated in 1974.
* Ballencourt manor in La Buissière, was built in 1777. Partially renovated, it now hosts the music school.
* The donjon of the castle of La Buissière, built in 1310 by Mahaut, Countess of Artois.
* The church at La Buissière, presently closed to the public for renovation work.
* The Velodrome at La Buissière built by the Bruay Mining Co., in 1925.
* The Museum of calculation and Scripture. Traces the history of writing and calculating machines such as the Enigma German coding machine.

See also

Communes of the Pas-de-Calais department

External links

* [ The CWGC graves in the Bruay-la-Buissière communal cemetery]
* [ Official website of the commune] fr
* [ A website about the commune] fr
* [ The website of the Agglomération de l'Artois] fr
* [ Website of the Communauté du Bruaysis] fr
* [ère Bruay-la-Buissière on the Quid website] fr


*"This article is based on the equivalent article from the French Wikipedia, consulted on July 11th 2008."

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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