Unitary transformation

Unitary transformation

Informally, a unitary transformation is a transformation that respects the dot product: the dot product of two vectors before the transformation is equal to their dot product after the transformation.

More precisely, a unitary transformation is an isomorphism between two Hilbert spaces. In other words, a "unitary transformation" is a bijective function

:U:H_1 o H_2,

where H_1 and H_2 are Hilbert spaces, such that

:langle Ux, Uy angle = langle x, y angle

for all x and y in H_1. A unitary transformation is an isometry, as one can see by setting x=y in this formula.

In the case when H_1 and H_2 are the same space, a unitary transformation is an automorphism of that Hilbert space, and then it is also called a unitary operator.

A closely related notion is that of antiunitary transformation, which is a bijective function

:U:H_1 o H_2,

between two complex Hilbert spaces such that

:langle Ux, Uy angle = overline{langle x, y angle}=langle y, x angle

for all x and y in H_1, where the horizontal bar represents the complex conjugate.

ee also

*Time reversal
*Unitary group
*Unitary operator
*Unitary matrix
*Wigner's Theorem

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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