EIS may refer to:

* Eastern Independent Schools of Melbourne, a group of schools in Australia
* European Integration Studio, an Electronic Arts studio
* Educational Institute of Scotland, a Scottish teachers' trade union
* Ekamai International School, an International school in Bangkok, Thailand
* Electronic Instrument System, a component of the Glass cockpit in an MD-11 Aircraft
* Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
* Electro Interstitial Scanner, E.I.S in medicine
* "Electrical insulation system", see electrical insulation
* "Electro-chemical impedance spectroscopy", see spectroscopy
* Electrolyte-Insulator-Semiconductor, a sensor
* Embryo-carrying Interstellar Starship, a concept in space colonization
* Engineering Installation Squadron, a US Air Force squadron
* English Institute of Sport, a network of sports related services
* Enhanced Imaging System, a US satellite project
* Enterprise Information System, an organization-wide information system
* Enterprise Investment Scheme, a UK tax term
* Entry into Service, Abbreviation
* Environmental impact statement, an assessment of the likely impact a project may have, required for projects receiving federal funding in the United States
* Epidemic Intelligence Service, a US training program
* Epigenetic inheritance system, a concept in genetics
* "Erasure Information Service", the current website (and former fanclub) for the pop band Erasure
* Escuela Internacional Sampedrana, a school in Honduras
* European Invertebrate Survey, a map grid-system based on 50x50 km squares
* Executive Information System, a form of decision support system
* Esquadron d'Intervention Spécial, the former name of the Belgian police's counter-terrorism unit
* Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport, an airport in the British Virgin Islands which has IATA airport code EIS

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  • Eis — das; es; nur Sg; 1 Wasser, das zu einer festen Masse gefroren ist <das Eis schmilzt, taut, bricht; das Eis aufhacken> || K : Eisblock, Eisfläche, Eisglätte, Eiskristall, Eisschicht, Eisscholle; eisfrei, eisbedeckt 2 ↑Eis (1) in Form von… …   Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache

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  • EIS — ist die Abkürzung für: Elektrochemische Impedanzspektroskopie, siehe Impedanzspektroskopie Enterprise Information System, englisch für Betriebliches Informationssystem Executive Information System, siehe Führungsinformationssystem Europäisches… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Eis — Eis: Das altgerm. Wort mhd., ahd. īs, niederl. ijs, engl. ice, schwed. is ist urverwandt mit awest. isu »eisig«, afghan. asai »Frost« u. ä. Wörtern anderer idg. Sprachen, ohne dass sich weitere Anknüpfungen finden. In der jungen Bed. »Speiseeis«… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

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