VFH-10 Veritech AGAC

VFH-10 Veritech AGAC

The VFH-10 Armored Gyro Assault Chopper, or Veritech AGAC, is the last mecha series developed by the Armies of the Southern Cross in the anime television series Robotech and its original Japanese source The Super Dimension Cavalry Southern Cross. The mecha was designed as a cooperative project between the Southern Cross space forces and the ground forces, and is equally at home in space or attacking enemy forces near the ground. It does not shine as an atmospheric fighter, although it is certainly no slouch in that regard. Large numbers of the AGACs (commonly pronounced "Ajax") were built by the Southern Cross, almost all falling to either the Robotech Masters or the Invid.

The space forces mostly use the Fighter and Battloid modes; the ground forces use the AGACs mostly as an attack ship in its Helicopter mode and also as a Battloid. Most AGACs were assigned to the space forces to replace losses. The AGAC is rarely used as a high performance fighter, which it is not designed for. In space its many engines give it good acceleration and superb control, and its multiple beam cannons can fire without loss of effective range due to the atmosphere. Near the ground, the Helicopter mode makes it possible for the AGACs to hover behind cover more effectively than earlier veritechs, because it is less high than Guardian modes. Its beam cannons still work well at medium ranges, and its missiles are very effective both in space and near the ground.

The transformation from Fighter to Helicopter mode is less extensive than other transformations of veritech fighters; as a result, the AGACs could be kept relatively small and simple. To avoid having to built in a tail rotor, the designers gave the Helicopter mode contra-rotating rotors; and to resist enemy fire from the ground, the underside of the wing box was reinforced. In Battloid mode, this base forms the chest plate of the robot, although during transformation, this part of the mecha is very vulnerable. Almost all its weapons are mounted in gun or missile pods, for ease of maintenance and switching. In all, the AGAC is a successful design, although it suffered grievous losses against the Robotech Masters, along with all other Earth mecha and ships.

External links

* [http://www.robotech.com/infopedia/mecha/viewmecha.php?id=51 ROBOTECH.COM] - Official description of the AGAC by Harmony Gold

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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