- Norbert Bollow
Norbert Bollow founded the
DotGNU project, building upon a proposal from Enzo-Adrian Reyes; He is a member of the DotGNU SteeringCommittee and he can often be found as 'nb' on the DotGNU IRC channel ( #dotgnu on IRC servername chat.freenode.net ).Norbert is an active campaigner of the rights and patent rights of software creators and patents legislation by the European Commission. He has setup and contributed to various campaign websites anent various directives which have been passed on patent rights, and which eventually become Laws implemented in all EU member countries.
External links
References and Further Info
* [http://www.network-theory.co.uk/articles/bollow.html Interview with Norbert Bollow]
* [http://www.truth50.com Campaign website of Norbert Bollow]
* [http://www.nobananaunion.com Norberts Campaign website against EU Patent Directives]
* [http://www.norbert.ch Homepage of Norbert Bollow]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.