Les Légions Noires

Les Légions Noires

Infobox musical artist
Name = Les Légions Noires

Background = group_or_band
Origin = France
Genre = Black metal
Dark ambient
Ambient noise
Years_active = 1987 – Possibly Present
Label = Drakkar Productions
Embassy Productions
End All Life Productions
Full Moon Productions
Tragic Empire Records
Current_members = Lord Aäkon Këëtrëh
Lord Beleth'Rim
Vordb Bathor Ecsed
Worlok Drakksteim
Wlad Drakksteim
Past_members = Dark Wizzard of Silence
Lord Meyhna'ch
Lord Ogvdreb
Lord Urvdrem

Les Légions Noires (also known as The Black Legions in English, or simply abbreviated to LLN) is a group of French underground black metal musicians and their bands. The bands involved limited their releases to very small numbers, and distributed them among friends and close workers. Because of this, Les Legions Noires' releases have become extremely obscure, expensive, and rare among collectorsFact|date=January 2008.


The Black Legions started out in 1987 when some of the members were still in high school, although no music was produced during this period.Fact|date=January 2008 Later on the members started creating music and recruiting others with a similar mindset to join the circle. The group ended up making many releases and bands with the few members that came and went.Fact|date=January 2008


The Black Legions are arguably the most bootlegged out of any black metal bands.Fact|date=January 2008 Few releases circulating on eBay are considered valid, other than the ones that were pressed on approved labels such as Drakkar Productions, Embassy Productions and Tragic Empire Records.Fact|date=January 2008 Many of the bootlegs are compilations or bear covers taken from the 1995 magazine "The Black Plague - First Chapter (And Maybe Last One)", a magazine pressed by Meyhna'ch featuring interviews with most of the members during that period of time.Fact|date=February 2008 However, some labels such as End All Life Productions have re-released some of Mütiilation's recordings with the collaboration of Meyhna'ch.

Fakes and parodies

Some fans even tried to re-create some of the views and release them under the circle's banner, while bands such as Boreb, Lepetitgrëgorytvrezorkre, and Vorlevrunkzrevborposphinctre are single members parodying The Black Legions.Fact|date=February 2008 Others have tried to re-create circles mimicking the ethos The Black Legions, and have occasionally been mistaken for actual LLN bands.Fact|date=February 2008 MySpace has become a launching point for many of these groups.Fact|date=February 2008 One example of this phenomenon is En Culteu Noirev, a group including bands such as Mortogtre and Black Plague, who actually created a Black Legions-style ersatz language for their band names and releases.Fact|date=February 2008 Another group is Movretmakre Indvlrihbrost Anderkrasüp, which includes bands such as Trörkrvisätänsrökrëh, and The Hate Korp.Fact|date=January 2008.

Many French bands have also been mislabeled as Black Legions for resemblance in their style and artwork.Fact|date=February 2008 This is the case for many post-1995 Meyhna'ch bands such as Gestapo 666, Hell Militia and Malicious Secrets. Even the Finnish band Satanic Warmaster has the same problem, for using Black Legions-like symbols on his album covers and homepage.

Bands and projects

External links

* [http://www.metal-archives.com/ Metal-Archives] Information about some of the LLN bands
* [http://www.drakkar666.com/ Drakkar Productions]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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