Madliena Tower

Madliena Tower

Madliena Tower is a fortification on the island of Malta built by the Knights of Malta. A watchtower, it stands on high ground above the shore west of Ras L-Irqieqa on the north shore of Malta.

It is one of a chain of de Redin towers towers that permitted communication between Gozo and the Knights headquarters in Valletta. To the west the tower has sight of St Mark's Tower (also known as Qalet Marku), and to the east St George's Tower.

After the British gained control of Malta, this tower continued to serve as a military installation. At one time a rifled muzzle loading (RML) gun was mounted on the roof.

The tower still stands and appears to be in a very worrying neglected condition. It's historical value is usurped by makeshift modifications and adjacent illegal structures.

As seen in the view from the south there are very visible makeshift alterations to the structure. The original door at the second level has been filled in and is no longer visible, the Grand Master's commemorative plaque is missing too and has been replaced by a slab of limestone. A steel door in the new access defaces the historical value of the tower. There is also obvious damages to the south side of the structure.

Situated nearby, are what appear to be remains of a World War 2 military installation.

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