

Flyby may refer to:

* Flypast or flyover, a celebratory display or ceremonial flight
* Planetary flyby, a type of interplanetary spacecraft mission
* Gravity assist, a spaceflight maneuver
* Fly by II

ee also

*Fly-by-wire, electrically signaled flight control systems

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  • flyby — ☆ flyby or fly by [flī′bī΄ ] n. pl. flybys or fly bys a flight past a designated point or place by an aircraft or spacecraft …   English World dictionary

  • flyby — noun (plural flybys) Date: 1953 1. a prearranged usually low altitude flight by one or more airplanes over a public gathering (as an air show) 2. a. a flight of a spacecraft past a celestial body (as Mars) close enough to obtain scientific data b …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • flyby — noun a) A flight past a celestial object in order to make observations. The upcoming flyby of Halleys comet is expected to provide new information on the nature of the comet. b) A low level flight of ceremonial nature, typically in connection… …   Wiktionary

  • Flyby — Fly by auch: Fly|by 〈[flaıbaı] m. 6 oder n. 15; Raumf.〉 Sy Swing by 1. Steuermanöver eines im All befindlichen Flugkörpers, bei dem die Nähe zu einem Himmelskörper u. dessen Anziehungskraft dazu genutzt wird, die Flugbahn des Flugkörpers zu… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • flyby — [[t]fla͟ɪbaɪ[/t]] flybys also fly by N COUNT A flyby is a flight made by an aircraft or a spacecraft over a particular place in order to record details about it …   English dictionary

  • flyby — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) Etymology: from fly by, v. 1. : flyover 1 2. a. : a flight of a spacecraft past a celestial body (as Mars) close enough to obtain scientific data b …   Useful english dictionary

  • Flyby anomaly — The flyby anomaly is an unexpected energy increase during Earth flybys of satellites. This has been observed as an anomalous shift in the S Band and X Band Doppler and the ranging data which translates to a significant velocity increase of a few… …   Wikipedia

  • Flyby-Anomalie — Die Fly by Anomalie bezeichnet ein bisher ungeklärtes Phänomen der Gravitationsforschung. Dabei handelt es sich um eine kleine zusätzliche Geschwindigkeitszunahme, die mehrere Raumsonden bei einem Fly by an der Erde erfahren haben.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Flyby — Der englische Begriff Swing by – auch Fly by, Slingshot, Gravity Assist (GA), Schwerkraftumlenkung oder Gravitationsmanöver genannt – bezeichnet eine Methode der interplanetaren Raumfahrt, bei der ein relativ leichter Raumflugkörper (wie z. B.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • flyby — /fluy buy /, n., pl. flybys. 1. the flight of a spacecraft close enough to a celestial object, as a planet, to gather scientific data. 2. Aeron. a. Also called flypast. a low altitude flight of an aircraft for the benefit of ground observers. b.… …   Universalium

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