

French commune
maire= Lionel Fournier
mandat=en cours
intercomm=Communauté de communes du pays Orne-Moselle
alt moy=200 m
alt mini=162 m
alt maxi=383 m
hectares=1 169

Rombas is a commune in France in the Moselle department in the region of Lorraine.


Rombas is located in the lower Orne Valley, near Metz, Nancy and Luxembourg.


* The first human settlements date back to the Upper Paleolithic (-15,000 BP) on the site called <>.
* Discovery in 1870 at the site called <> of Neolithic axes (-4,000 BP)
* The germanic frank "Rumo" founded Rombas in the 5th century.
* The town went through several name changes over the course of history, it has been named "Romesbach" in 972, "Romabach" in 984, "Rumesbach" in 1128, "Ramisbach" in 1160-1162, "Romesbas" in 1185, "Romebac" in 1245, "Romebair" in 1247, "Roumebac" in 1280, "Rombair" in 1335-1338, "Rombas" in the 15th century, "Rombach" from 1870 to 1918 while absorbed by Germany; and finally "Rombas" from 1918.


1962=10 492
1968=12 412
1975=13 303
1982=11 733
1990=10 844
1999=10 743
sansdoublescomptes=1968|source=INSEE [


*The Drince tower, located on the edge of Pierrevillers, it overlooks Rombas at its highest elevation, between Metz and Thionville.
* The "Fond St-Martin" and "Les Roches".
* The old church, demolished in 1755, was heavily fortified.
* The "St Remy" church, 1756, was replaced in 1938 by a modern church: "Christ de Pitie".

Notable people from Rombas

* Marie Hackin, compagnon de la Libération, born in Rombas, 1905.


*Jean-Jacques Sitek, "Rombas, mémoire de la Vallée de l'Orne", 1993.
*Jean-Jacques Sitek, "Rombas, Hier et Aujourd'hui", 1999.

Notes & references


External links

* [ Official website of the town of Rombas]
* [ List of Rombas' mayors]
* [ Site about Rombas with live webcam]
* [ Rombas on the French National Geographic Institute website]

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