Patra TV

Patra TV

company_name = Patra TV
company_type = private
company_slogan =
foundation = 1990s
location = Patras, Greece
key_people =
num_employees =
industry = Television
products =
revenue =
homepage = []

Patra TV is a local television station in the city of Patras, Greece. Its headquarters are in Patras. It offers movies as well as local programs, Greek programs and English language programs.

Logo and slogan

Its logo was only written in the Greek Alphabet, the logo was changed and is in the Latin alphabet.

External links

* [ Website Patra TV]
* [ Short movie: ATV in the news of Patras TV] (AEGEE Television meets Patra TV)

ee also

*List of television stations in Greece
*List of companies in Greece

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